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nvidia driver and lg 1970hr doesn't works after thousands of combinations!!!!!

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    nvidia driver and lg 1970hr doesn't works after thousands of combinations!!!!!

    I'm writing for desperation and frustration after thousands of tryings to reload the nvidia driver on my lg monitor 1970hr.
    Before of problems I was a Happy user of Feisty with 3d enabled by nvidia 9755.
    My Hard driver crash down especially the directory structure in reiserfs but was a mess with no solution (thank u reiser!!) So I decide to reinstall from 0 feisty or...better to keep my partition /home.
    The only problem that I have now is to set the nvidia driver, I tried nvidia glx, nvidia-glx new, envy, nvidia driver 9755, nvidia 100.14.09, I tried to uninstall everything and reinstall the nvidia installer but nothing of nothing!!
    Can someone follow me step by step, because I follow tons of wikis, forums, posts, actually I can write a good guide by myself but for the others not for me. The problem seems to be the new xorg.conf because sometimes also the nv driver doesn't work when I try to change the monitor conf in xorg.
    really really help!!

    Re: nvidia driver and lg 1970hr doesn't works after thousands of combinations!!!

    Sure, there's help here. First, what is your main board and graphics card?


      Re: nvidia driver and lg 1970hr doesn't works after thousands of combinations!!!

      graphic card Geforce fx5200
      Motherboard for amd 1500+ with agp
      Sorry actually I'm at work I can't be more detailed


        Re: nvidia driver and lg 1970hr doesn't works after thousands of combinations!!!

        Since it looks like you have already crashed and burned with the packaged drivers, I would recommend that you do the following:

        1. In a text console
        sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
        and on the first screen choose "NO" to autodetect, and on the second screen choose "VESA" display, and then complete the script with defaults for keyboard and mouse (unless you know of some specific requirements), and in the monitor section choose a resolution that you can live with for a short while, like 1024 x 768, and refresh rates that your monitor or LCD can accept. When you complete the script, you will be dumped back to the command line. At that point, you can
        and you will have a GUI in which to continue working.

        2. Open your Adept manager and mark all the installed "nvidia-xxxx" packages for removal, and click "apply" to remove them.

        3. Use your browser to download the Envy script installer from this site:

        Review the instructions, and follow them to install and run Envy. If you have difficulty running it in GUI mode, in a console type
        sudo envy -t
        and it will run in text mode just as well.

        Envy doesn't work for 100% of folks who try it, but it works for most of them -- I hope this helps!

        p.s. Please know that a Linux kernel upgrade will "break" your Nvidia proprietary driver installation, and will require that you re-run the Envy installation afterward. For this reason, you may want to (after carefully backing up xorg.conf) try again with nvidia-glx-new at some point in the future when you have time -- it really is the better way to go if you can make it work.


          Re: nvidia driver and lg 1970hr doesn't works after thousands of combinations!!!

          sorry i was very busy to answer, but now I can.
          I've tried your suggest but nothing changes, envy is installed with the last version of today, but I went on xorg to edit manually nv to nvidia because envy didn't and nothing changes...
          other drastic suggestions or console commands that help you to understand my hardware situation?


            Re: nvidia driver and lg 1970hr doesn't works after thousands of combinations!!!

            Once you run the envy script and make the "nv" to "nvidia" change, you should try afterwards:

            - Open a Konsole and type: sudo nvidia-settings make the changes accordingly, click on Apply and then on Save to X Configuration File, Reboot or restart X after that.


            Beware the Almighty Command Line

