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/dev/sdg not showing up in /dev but posts in bios... Help?

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    /dev/sdg not showing up in /dev but posts in bios... Help?

    So I had been running dapper for the last few months and my root hd failed. Luckily everything is backed up and I didn't really lose anything just time. So I got a new hd and decided to install FF. The install went smothly , got automatix worked out in a few hours. The problem lies in my remaining drives. First off I have many ide hds
    hda hda hdc hde and hdg

    hdc hde hdg all for a raid 5 array controlled by mdadm.

    This version of teh OS seems to have decided that all my ide drives should be treted as scsi drives. OK I don't mind but for some reason sdg will not show up in /dev/

    I even tried to use

    mknod -m 660 /dev/sdg b 3 0

    It was created in /dev/ but I couldn't see the disk with cfdisk.

    Thje goal now is to get all my drives to post so I can remount my array.

    I know the drive is goo because I switched teh ide cables between e and g and teh e drive always posted regardles of which drive was on that channel.

    How can I get kubuntu to see my last drive. The bios sees it. Any ideas?

    is there a way to switch back to ide protocol in /dev and get all my drives to post as /dev/hd something?

    suggetsions please as I really need to restore thsi machine



    Re: /dev/sdg not showing up in /dev but posts in bios... Help?

    not that i have a solution...
    but, nobody picked this one up, so...
    no harm at this point :P
    have you tried
    cd /dev
    ./MAKEDEV update
    using perhaps the -n option before, to try and see what the update would do...
    the command works based on /proc/interrupts
    so, i would assume, if MAKEDEV doesn't work, then the device is not seen by the kernel, for some reason...


    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: /dev/sdg not showing up in /dev but posts in bios... Help?

      I tried

      /MAKEDEV update

      That didn't work, I also tried installing a different kernel 2.6.20 386 but it still won't see /dev/sdg which totally messes me up.

      Does anyone have any ideas how I can force the system to see fourth ide controller. Can I give grub an argument at boot?

      Please please help as this machine has been down for days.



        Re: /dev/sdg not showing up in /dev but posts in bios... Help? fixed (sorta)

        OK so I figured out what was going wrong.

        It was not that the system wouldn't makde device nodes for the ide controller it was that it would only create scsi device nodes for the devices attached to the system and it would only create them in alphabetical order.

        So here is teh scenario

        I have 5 hd and a dvd player.

        The HDs are /dev/hda the OS

        /dev/hdb is somtimes the dvd player but usually the backup drive for the network

        /dev/hdc /dev/hde /dev/hdg are the raid5 array

        so what was going on.

        The system is assigning scsi id's(when the dvd is connected) for all the devices as /dev/sda = /dev/hda /dev/sdb=/dev/hdc /dev/sdc=/dev/hde and /dev/sdd=/dev/hdg

        However whenever I connect the /dev/hdb hard disk instead of the teh dvd player the other disks get pushed down one letter.

        so the new schema becomes

        /dev/sda=/dev/hda /dev/sdb=/dev/hdb /dev/sdc=/dev/hdc /dev/sdd=/dev/hde /dev/sde=/dev/hdg.

        Thus screwing up mdadm which expects to find certain drives in certain places. Also wouldn't that screw up fstab even if I didn't have mdadm?

        Is there a way to ensure that the drive letters don't move?



          Re: /dev/sdg not showing up in /dev but posts in bios... Help?

          Read: UUID.
          For external use only.


            Re: /dev/sdg not showing up in /dev but posts in bios... Help?

            Originally posted by SheeEttin
            Read: UUID.
            Very good point, indeed; in this - very special - case they might even make sense.
            And still, there is a (possible) "Plan B": mounting by the disk's own IDs (example).

