with Edgy I had problems when trying to shut down the system from within KDE with logout->turn off. Back then I searched this forum and found the fix: enable TerminateServer=true in /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc (I think).
Now, after a fresh install of Feisty and with a complete different hardware, I have the same problem again. To my suprise the reason was the same as with Edgy. So I could fix it as described.
But why isn't this (TerminateServer=true) enabled by default? It seems that many users have problems with it. When someone cares about performance (I think this is the only reason for this to be disabled) he can enable it explicitly being aware of the possible consequences.
with Edgy I had problems when trying to shut down the system from within KDE with logout->turn off. Back then I searched this forum and found the fix: enable TerminateServer=true in /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc (I think).
Now, after a fresh install of Feisty and with a complete different hardware, I have the same problem again. To my suprise the reason was the same as with Edgy. So I could fix it as described.
But why isn't this (TerminateServer=true) enabled by default? It seems that many users have problems with it. When someone cares about performance (I think this is the only reason for this to be disabled) he can enable it explicitly being aware of the possible consequences.