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How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

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    How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

    Hoping anyone can point me in the right direction. I'm new to all of this albeit I'm computer literate and capable of figuring some things out...

    Scenario: I have XP and the latest Kubuntu and have the pc setup to dual boot.

    E drive, ntfs (xp) hda1
    etx3, hda2
    fat32, (acronis secure zone) hda3
    C drive, fat32 (would like to use this to as an overall dumping ground for files, xp & linux), hda4
    swap hda5

    I eventually see myself using kubuntu most of time, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    What's the abs. easiest way to have kbuntu see my xp files? Just for the hell of it, I've already installed ext2fsd on the XP side. I'm still learning linux commands, where to look, etc.

    Please keep in mind I created the C drive in fat32 format just in case I couldn't figure this out. I'm willing to dump my documents and other files from xp into there.

    Ya'll have a good night and thanks for any anticiapted help

    Re: How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

    First up is installing ntfs-3g. Search in Adept (or other package manager) for ntfs-3g, and install the appropriate packages.

    After that, it's just mount 'n use, in theory.

    For mounting hda1: "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /media/hda1" is a good start. (Example command, read up on mounting. Try opening man:mount in Konqueror. (It's a bit long, you only need to read the beginning and bits of the middle.))

    EDIT: Gah, this forum won't allow strange protocols in URLs.
    For external use only.


      Re: How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

      thanks for the info. I downloaded the programs. Would it be possible to get a simper answer? haha


        Re: How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

        you may want to try installing with Wubi, go here to check it out
        its the easiest and painless way to install ubuntu.Later you can add the KDE to convert to Kubuntu


          Re: How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

          Umm... no.
          Installing KDE is a huge headache, especially when you've already got GNOME.

          Next step is to mount your drive. You say your NTFS drive is /dev/hda1, so we'll mount /dev/hda1 at /media/hda1:
          sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /media/hda1
          Dissecting that command: sudo is to do things as root, like an administrator in Windows. Mount is the actual command we're executing. The "-t" option specifies filesystem type, ntfs-3g here. /dev/hda1 is your device, and /media/hda1 is your mount point (where the filesystem is attached to the main hierarchy).

          You might also want to try searching the forum(s) for other instructions on mounting drives, it's a bit late here and I need sleep.
          For external use only.


            Re: How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

            thank you


              Re: How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

              Says here there is a program called FS-Drive that lets Windows read and write to Linux ext3 partitions (I haven't personally used it, however):


              Two cents' worth.


                Re: How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

                Format the partition you wish to share as FAT32, you will be able to read and write from all versions of Windows after 3.0, Linux and even OS X.

                The bad news (not so bad really) FAT32 has:

                NO SECURITY
                a 2GB limit on individual files
                is not journaled so do not turn off the computer or disconnect the drive in the middle of writing an important file.
                pretty inefficent use of space on large drives



                  Re: How to share drives w/ Kubuntu & XP

                  Yep - IFS Drives actually lets Windows see, read/write ext3 partitions. Use it myself. With ntfs-3g being around the reverse is now true as well.

