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External Hard Disk

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    External Hard Disk

    Hi there,

    I am totally new in this. I came to know Kubuntu through a friend of my and I decided to give it a try few days ago. Everything's running good but I cannot access to my external hard disk. This is what I get when I plug it in

    Unable to enter file:///media/HD. You do not have access rights to this location.

    Is there a way that I can rectify the problem? Bear in mind that I am still a baby in this so would greatly appreciated it either of you can explain it in the much simpler way


    Re: External Hard Disk
    That thread first goes through how to mount your hd (which I'm guessing you've already done) and then how to change the permissions.


      Re: External Hard Disk

      Thank you for replying. I still cannot access to my external hard disk. Is there more specific way of doing it? I am a real nerdy in this. Thanks in advance


        Re: External Hard Disk

        At which step did you have a problem and what was it? Which of the following have you done, and which are you having problems with: 1. Format partition (if necessary), 2. Mount partition, 3. Change permissions

        I'm guessing you are at the third step in which case the above linked thread should explain how to change the permissions. If you are unsure what it is saying then just ask some follow up questions.

        As for other ways, as with everything in linux there is always the command line, the following walks through mounting a linux partition:


          Re: External Hard Disk

          Manually adding entries to fstab for external drives is not an option. It seems that Kubuntu 7.04 is experiencing a problem with HAL + KDE (
          USB external drives are not able to get mounted through KDE, pmount /dev/sdx works fine through the command line.


            Re: External Hard Disk

            Originally posted by pestilence
            USB external drives are not able to get mounted through KDE
            Not correct.

            Following the results of a simple "plug in & power on" of an external (USB) drive in/to my (updated) "07.04" test system:

            USER # lsusb
            Bus 001 Device 002: ID 07ab:fc05 Freecom Technologies
            USER # fdisk -l
            Disk /dev/sdb: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
            USER # more /etc/mtab | grep sdb
            /dev/sdb1 /media/disk reiserfs rw,nosuid,nodev,sync 0 0


              Re: External Hard Disk

              Originally posted by UnicornRider
              Originally posted by pestilence
              USB external drives are not able to get mounted through KDE
              Not correct.
              I second that, my external usb hd automounts just fine whenever I plug it in and turn it on (without my ever having had to set it up).


                Re: External Hard Disk

                Newbie here too - I am wanting to migrate from WinXP to linux. I'm a 70 y/o old fart but have been into computers since the IBM PC Jr. Our company had Unix/linux so have a mild understanding of the OS. At this point I have a dual boot win xp/kubuntu on a PC desktop with a wireless network to my laptop

                I have gotten past the mounting of my 3 external USB drives. At this point I can't see the drives or files under Linux with the file manager (Krusader) -- (Commander isn't working at this point) even though they are all listed as mounted under KDE. All 3 drives were built under Win XP and contain backup files, jpg files, doc files - etc. I had hoped that Linux would accept the drives and files -- I'm thinking at this point that I was expecting too much.

                My laptop has adapted to the Linux OS and is content with it.

                BUT -- am having problems with my HP 970cxi printer connected to the desktop. My Dell laptop sees the shared printer but the desktop won't print -- this is so much fun

                Comments and/or suggestion?

                Started back with a IBM PC Jr -- Vista doesn't interest me and am moving on to Linux -- well I'm trying!!


                  Re: External Hard Disk

                  Originally posted by Rocky37
                  All 3 drives were built under Win XP and contain backup files
                  Are they formated at fat32 or ntfs?


                    Re: External Hard Disk

                    Originally posted by marshallbanana
                    Originally posted by Rocky37
                    All 3 drives were built under Win XP and contain backup files
                    Are they formated at fat32 or ntfs?
                    Started back with a IBM PC Jr -- Vista doesn't interest me and am moving on to Linux -- well I'm trying!!


                      Re: External Hard Disk

                      You'll need to install the ntfs-3g packages. Either use Adept, your favorite package manager, or least favorable, Automatix.

                      After that, just mount the drive (in this example, we'll mount /dev/sdb1 at /media/sdb1): "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1".
                      For external use only.


                        Re: External Hard Disk

                        OKJ - got the download and and entered the script and got this result:

                        ralph@Ralphs-computer:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1
                        fusermount: failed to access mountpoint /media/sdc1: No such file or directory
                        FUSE mount point creation failed
                        Unmounting /dev/sdc1 (SWISNIFE1)

                        /media is locked and am not sure why
                        Started back with a IBM PC Jr -- Vista doesn't interest me and am moving on to Linux -- well I'm trying!!


                          Re: External Hard Disk

                          Originally posted by UnicornRider
                          Originally posted by pestilence
                          USB external drives are not able to get mounted through KDE
                          Not correct.

                          Following the results of a simple "plug in & power on" of an external (USB) drive in/to my (updated) "07.04" test system:

                          USER # lsusb
                          Bus 001 Device 002: ID 07ab:fc05 Freecom Technologies
                          USER # fdisk -l
                          Disk /dev/sdb: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
                          USER # more /etc/mtab | grep sdb
                          /dev/sdb1 /media/disk reiserfs rw,nosuid,nodev,sync 0 0
                          Can you please test with NTFS, seems VFAT drives do mount without any problems, problems appear to my NTFS external drives.


                            Re: External Hard Disk

                            Just to demonstrate with snapshots my problems:

                            As you can see when I plug my external drive it is recognized, but furthermore I am unable to mount.
                            Removing the "mount as user flag":

                            P.S My Kubuntu 7.04 installation is up to date.
                            P.S2 This is only happening to NTFS formated filesystems, FAT32 sticks etc are able to get mounted properly.
                            P.S3 I just tryed this:
                            pestilence@pestilence-laptop:/usr/src$ pmount-hal /dev/sda5
                            libhal-storage.c 1401 : INFO: called LIBHAL_FREE_DBUS_ERROR but dbusError was not set.
                            process 21871: Applications must not close shared connections - see dbus_connection_close() docs. This is a bug in the application.

                            It mounted my partition, but I got this error.


                              Re: External Hard Disk

                              Ok I got a small test done.
                              I tryed my second external drive which is FAT32 and everything worked ok. Problem still remains on NTFS drive.

