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Flickering lines down screen

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    Flickering lines down screen

    My first post and I already in trouble.

    I recently bought a very nice LG 17 inch LCD screen. A Flatron L1719S in fact.

    When I connected it to my booted perfectly well into XP. Windows quickly configured the screen parameters and every looks fine. No flickering lines running down the screen....just a nice rich desktop experience.

    Unfortunately, when I started up from a Kubuntu feisty fawn CD, the screen developed about five or six thin flickering green~blue lines that go from top to bottom.

    Thinking it might be a problem with Kubuntu, I tried adjusting the screen 'refresh' rate from 75 to (I think it was 60 or 65) only gave me two settings to pick from. But nothing changed. The lines persisted.

    Not wanting to be defeated, I then tried Xubuntu Feisty Fawn. Again, same problem...lines down the screen.

    As a last resort, I tried Dreamlinux...2.2...and that was a laugh...

    ....because it stopped working when it reached the "pick size of screen" page.

    It simply froze... I couldn't adjust the screen size at all.

    Yet when I rebooted back into XP...the flickery lines down the screen problem dissapeared...

    So at this stage I feel defeated.

    Any ideas or simple solutions as to how I might cure this 'Flickering Lines down the Screen' problem?

    Thanks in advance.


    Re: Flickering lines down screen

    Hmm, a quick google for l1719s in combination with terms like linux, flickering, lines & driver didn't turn up anything on some sort of incompatibility.
    Try checking exactly what your monitor settings are under windows and replicating them in kubuntu.
    I would suggest it may possibly be something to do with the value of HorizSync, which you can change in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. However what the correct value may be I have no idea.
    The other think I would suggest is that it may be to do with your graphics card which may need to have its drivers set up. What do you have?

    The following thread may also be useful. It for suse and an lg monitor (not the same as yours but still).


      Re: Flickering lines down screen

      Most LCD monitors have an automatic configuration that happens when the resolution is changed.
      If yours has such a feature (highly unlikely it doesn't), activate it manually when you see the lines. They should disappear.

      If this doesn't fix it, it'd help to know exactly when the lines appear. I'm guessing after the boot finishes and X (slightly before the login screen) comes up. (If this is the case, follow marshallbanana.)
      For external use only.


        Re: Flickering lines down screen

        Originally posted by SheeEttin
        Most LCD monitors have an automatic configuration that happens when the resolution is changed.
        If yours has such a feature (highly unlikely it doesn't), activate it manually when you see the lines. They should disappear.

        If this doesn't fix it, it'd help to know exactly when the lines appear. I'm guessing after the boot finishes and X (slightly before the login screen) comes up. (If this is the case, follow marshallbanana.)
        The lines appear as the conventional KDE splash starts. After the boot up sequence has finished the lines remain. I have seen this issue with earlier versions of Ubuntu 6.06 when I was using a basic Compaq CRT screen. In that case, I simply adjusted the screen refresh rate and all was well.

        Your right about the LG having its own automatic configuration. It went through the inbuilt set up when I first booted into XP.

        As to the machine its hooked up to... Its an olde Compaq Deskpro En 866 with 386 mgs of ram and the standard video card that came with the machine. Nothing special. It might be old but it kicks along for all my basic computing needs..

        Its got me baffled...

        Thanks for your imput guys...



          Re: Flickering lines down screen

          Since it affected other monitors, it's probably a problem with your video card. Since you also say it's an old one, that makes me even more sure of it.

          Anyway, next time you see them, try using the automatic configuration thing your monitor has. If that doesn't fix it, nothing short of buying a video card will. (Cheapest card Newegg has is $23.99. Maybe you should try Radio Shack or something.)
          For external use only.

