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KPPP crapped out

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    KPPP crapped out

    Hello all,
    I was using kppp for dialup access for a few weeks, then I started up one day, and I got the error message "No Carrier". I thought this was strange. I tried everything to fix it. I couldn't. I have a dual boot and the modem works fine in Win. So I decided to delete my dial up settings. Still the same. So, I decided to delete the modem and reinstall it. It finds the modem just fine, it queries it just fine. Everything looks good. But, Now when I hit "dial" , it says modem ready... Then the booger just disappears. I mean it goes into oblivion. Nothing happens. I can hit the dialer again and the same thing.
    Does anyone know what gives? I've tried all I know.
    BTW, The only thing that changed prior to this.. I installed kweather.

    Re: KPPP crapped out

    Well, assuming the "no carrier" thing was what I think it was, that could've been fixed easily...

    But since you've deleted your settings, we're without that option. Next time you dial out, open the dialog which shows the actual dialogue between the modem and whatever's on the other end. See what it says.

    By the way, I find KPPP to be extremely awkward and complicated. Once I got wvdial set up, I ran that in a console. No problems from there.
    For external use only.


      Re: KPPP crapped out

      If the KPPP dialer just disappears, it is most likely the Modem Commands
      are wrong or either missing. If you un-installed the Modem Driver, then
      re-installed it, go look for the following initialize commands under Modem

      I'd bet they are missing just like mine were. Somehow they get
      blown away and never return. I had to boot Knoppix and get the
      settings from Knoppix......BUT, I really want to learn Kubuntu.........
      even with a few BUGS!


