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X-Box 360 Guitar

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    X-Box 360 Guitar

    Greetings all.. I installed Frets On Fire in Feisty. Works flawless btw.

    I got sick of using my keyboard to shred with, so I bought a X-Box 360 Guitar Hero 2 controller.

    I found via google that some have gotten this controller to work under Ubuntu, however I was not one of them. I searched, researched, followed every guide I could find, and kaput.. Nothing, no joy...

    Anyrate.. I installed Frets On Fire on my XP gaming beast, and it with the controller work flawless. The only 'mistakes' I have to own. LOL!

    Is there a REAL 'working' how-to to get this bugger to work in Kubuntu? I just hate giving into M$. HA!

    If a developer reads this. Maybe; on knees praying you do, may in include Frets On Fire in the repos with a 'working' solution to getting the guitar to work properly as an 'update'?


    Anybody get this sucker to work 'easily'?

    I know.. It's a VERY petty request, just had to ask though.

    This is NOT a 'kubuntu' gripe, the OS is flawless in other respects for me. Others, may say different, but I've nothing but praise for this release.

    Thanks for ANY input.

    p.s. Who ever gave me the negative kudo should justify it. I've done nothing but try to be helpful here. Show your face via PM so you can tell me why you bashed me for no reason.
    Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.

    Re: X-Box 360 Guitar

    Well, if you describe that controller (e.g. its interface, required software), we might be able to help a little better. Mentioning a piece of hardware and asking for help won't do much, honestly.

    And on your negative kudos, you can't tell who did it. (There's no reason for the attitude, either. It doesn't really mean a thing.)
    For external use only.


      Re: X-Box 360 Guitar

      Thanks.. I did not seem to be 'pissy' about the kudo thang, just funny/goofy..

      Anyrate. It's a USB the software is Frets On Fire, and that's about it.

      LOL and the 'software' that came with it is for X-Box, and is still in the wrapper.
      Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.


        Re: X-Box 360 Guitar

        Shamless bump!!

        Still have the boggle. Are there any how-to's that work on Kubuntu for this? I followed the destructions in the Ubuntu forum to no joy.

        I rarely ask for help for myself, since the puzzle is 1/2 the fun for me. I am always willing to help though. I am at a total loss though, and need the communities help.

        FOF works in XP but crashes 1/3 of the time. Also, how can I be a TRUE 'nix' nerd if I have to run XP? LOL!! Humour..

        Anyrate, devs, community, fellow nerds, please help me to get this controller to work in 'nix'.

        Thanks for any help...

        As far as questions go. It's a USB 'joy stick' in a guitar case. There are 'ways' that others have done it, however their methods bring me no joy.
        Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.


          Re: X-Box 360 Guitar

          You could try setting it up as a joystick in System Settings or KControl.
          For external use only.


            Re: X-Box 360 Guitar

            HEY!! Thanks for the reply, sorry for the delay in responding. We had 'kid' stuff. Anyrate, it does not show up as anything. Kontrol says it scanned /dev/j0-10 or whatever and no love. I can use my game pads and other 'stix' though. IMHO there is some 'funky M$ circuitry' that prevents from being seen as 'just a joy stick'.

            I've googled for about 4 hours tonight, and tried all I found. -sniffle- No joy.

            I am grateful it works in WinDO$, but darn it. I am a LINUX guy. 8)

            There is a step that you have to add 'drivers to the kernel'. I am thinking that Kubuntu's is newer than the examples I am finding else where.

            Thanks again.
            Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.


              Re: X-Box 360 Guitar

              When you run lsusb does it show up?

