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RAID disk mounting

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    RAID disk mounting

    I have had a hardware RAID 0 setup for awhile while I was running XP. I installed Dapper ages ago and was able to mount the RAID array just as a single disk and everything was working. I just reformatted in my install from Dapper to Feisty. Install went smoothly, but fdisk can't seem to detect my RAID disks to mount. They were mounted fine in Dapper, I'm pretty sure the installer did it for me, but all I can see in Feisty is my main system disk, which is separate from the RAID. The RAID drivers are handled by my mobo (Gigabyte Dual BIOS). How can I mount them?

    Re: RAID disk mounting

    I re-ran the Dapper LiveCD and confirmed that the RAID array is detected. I noticed Dapper has mdadm by default and Feisty doesn't so I installed that package (and any package that had "RAID" in the description) but still no luck. Anyone know what RAID needs?

