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linksys wireless WUSB54G network adapter

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    linksys wireless WUSB54G network adapter

    I have a linksys wireless usb network adapter attached to my PC along with six other usb devices.
    one of the six, an external usb floppy disk,works; is autodetected and when I remove it and plug it back in I gives me a window on my descktop telling me the system has detected it and what do I want to do about it
    No such thing happens when I remove and reconnect the wireless network adapter and I am wondering where I go from here.Bottom line is I want the network adapter to work if possible...
    what options are open for tweaking; fiddling and otherwisep playing with it to get it to work.
    Irritatingly the devices all work in windows and I am left feeling as if I have been so spoon fed..."'I'm a name; not a number!" - actually I feell like a number - somewere between 0 and 1(that high!)!

    Re: linksys wireless WUSB54G network adapter

    There is a lot of information available about setting up this adapter. Do some searching and use ndiswrapper. If you use the kernel driver method you will only get 11 instead of 54mbs. You don't need to build ndiswrapper. You can use the one from the repositories. You basically blacklist the kernel driver, install ndiswrapper, load the driver, make sure your nic shows up, install the module and go. You will need the windows drivers. Good luck.


      Re: linksys wireless WUSB54G network adapter

      after browsing around I wonder do I need to blacklist the kernel driver - I use my motherboard rj45 port (Realtek working) and the wireless card on a different ip address. Won't blacklisting the kernel driver disable the rj45 port? or am I missing the point



        Re: linksys wireless WUSB54G network adapter

        futher to my last post I am now totally confused
        Step 2

        Now install ndiswrapper 1.8. I'm not sure whether the default ndiswrapper provided in the cd works. I think it should. You can give it a try. Here's the link for ndiswrapper 1.8
        says latest ndis wrapper is 1.43. I thought 1.43 was less than 1.8? - thought I'd better ask especially since 'sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper' said 'Couldn't find package ndiswrapper' and I don't know how to install from a tar ball
        guess I'm about to find out...


          Re: linksys wireless WUSB54G network adapter

          not withstanding I downloaded and upacked the tar file and opened the install file. reading it it says

          You need a recent kernel, at least 2.6.6 or 2.4.26, with header files
          for the kernel. Make sure there is a link to the kernel source from
          the modules directory. The command

          ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build

          should have at least 'include' directory and '.config' file.
          and since
          cd /lib/modules/include
          bash: cd: /lib/modules/include: No such file or director
          I really am going to stop


            Re: linksys wireless WUSB54G network adapter

            The "include" directory is in "/lib/modules/'uname -r'/build". Just cd to that in Konqueror, it'll work.
            For external use only.


              Re: linksys wireless WUSB54G network adapter

              Yes, you do need to blacklist the kernel driver. No it won't hose your wired ethernet. Just install ndiswrapper from the repositories using adept. Forget all that compiling crap, not necessary. Good luck.

