I had the default touchpad driver installed and this worked ok but with very limited functionality. I installed the Synaptic driver and this improved the touchpads functionality no end but it's left me with a very frustrating problem. I am now unable to tap on things > For example if I am in Firefox and want to change tabs I can't tap on the tab, I now have to click on it or if I'm editing a document I now cannot tap on a word, I have to click on it. This is really annoying especially as it worked fine with the default driver. I have tapping enabled in the Synaptic settings but this doesn't work.
Anyone know what the setting for this is??
Here's my current settings, anyone see why tap-to-click does not function?
Anyone know what the setting for this is??
Here's my current settings, anyone see why tap-to-click does not function?
~$ synclient -l Parameter settings: LeftEdge = 1471 RightEdge = 5627 TopEdge = 1206 BottomEdge = 5100 FingerLow = 38 FingerHigh = 43 MaxTapTime = 248 MaxTapMove = 220 MaxDoubleTapTime = 60 SingleTapTimeout = 120 ClickTime = 0 FastTaps = 1 EmulateMidButtonTime = 75 VertScrollDelta = 100 HorizScrollDelta = 100 VertEdgeScroll = 1 HorizEdgeScroll = 1 VertTwoFingerScroll = 0 HorizTwoFingerScroll = 0 MinSpeed = 0.0822368 MaxSpeed = 0.197368 AccelFactor = 0.00164474 EdgeMotionMinZ = 30 EdgeMotionMaxZ = 160 EdgeMotionMinSpeed = 1 EdgeMotionMaxSpeed = 304 EdgeMotionUseAlways = 1 UpDownScrolling = 1 LeftRightScrolling = 1 UpDownRepeat = 1 LeftRightRepeat = 1 ScrollButtonRepeat = 100 TouchpadOff = 2 GuestMouseOff = 0 LockedDrags = 0 RTCornerButton = 2 RBCornerButton = 1 LTCornerButton = 0 LBCornerButton = 0 TapButton1 = 0 TapButton2 = 0 TapButton3 = 0 CircularScrolling = 0 CircScrollDelta = 0.05 CircScrollTrigger = 1 CircularPad = 0 PalmDetect = 1 PalmMinWidth = 10 PalmMinZ = 200 CoastingSpeed = 0 PressureMotionMinZ = 30 PressureMotionMaxZ = 160 PressureMotionMinFactor = 1 PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1