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Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

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    Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

    Selecting the shutdown option from within KDE or executing "sudo shutdown -h now" from the console produce the same undesired behaviour: the OS does everything short of actually shutting the desktop off. The final message printed is "Will now halt", followed by a completely blank screen but a powered-on machine. In the case of console shutdown, I first stopped kdm before executing the command. Strangely though, rebooting from the console (with kdm disabled) using "Ctrl-Alt-Del" works perfectly.

    I have added "acpi=force apm=power-off" to my boot parameters, as well as adding "apm power_off=1" to /etc/modules. Has anybody else managed to resolve this? I strongly doubt it's kernel-related, since my Gentoo (2.6.20) installation has no trouble whatsoever.

    Re: Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

    Well, just so you know, the kernels are not exactly identical. The Ubuntu kernels, at least, have had the Ubuntu patches applied.

    But I'm also having shutdown problems, but not as bad as yours, so thanks for providing me with some things to try.
    For external use only.


      Re: Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

      I can shutdown and restart properly using the Konsole, but it won't work by selecting it in the Kmenu. KShutdown won't even work properly.

      Is there a way to make a link on the desktop that executes the shutdown and restart commands?


        Re: Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

        Is there a way to make a ]

        Ad hoc, I'd think that the following should work:

        Right-click on the panel, select "Add Application > Non-KDE Application", fill in the appropriate command as "Executable", select "Run In Terminal" (!) - and give it a try ...


          Re: Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

          I'm not sure if that option will bring up an actual Konsole instance, but if it doesn't, you'll need to use kdesu rather than sudo.
          For external use only.


            Re: Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

            I am also having the problem that the buttons "Restart" and "Turn Off" in the KDE Logout don't work. In both cases the screen goes blank (actually grey) and the mouse cursor still works. However, at the point there is no alternative but to either turn the power switch off if I want to shutdown, or press the reset button if I want to restart. In both cases, when I reboot, it goes through all the disk checking as the drives were not cleanly unmounted.

            All the functions: reboot, halt and shutdown work OK from a terminal.

            There must be something wrong with the link from the KDE logout buttons, but I don't know how to find this. I haven't tried looking at the ACPI settings yet, but believe it is really a bug in the way those buttons are linked in Kubuntu 7.04


              Re: Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

              It's not a problem with how the logout dialog works, rather, it's a problem with the X server not terminating properly.

              If you want to shut down/restart cleanly, just hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace when the screen goes black.

              (I have this problem as well, and I have not found a way to fix it.)
              For external use only.


                Re: Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

                I had the same problem -- This may or may not be the fix for you but here is what worked for me.
                after looking at my logs i noticed a bug in ndiswrapper. It reloads itself. Thus an infinite loop occurs. Looking like it is stalled.


                in your favorite editor - mine is mcedit

                sudo mcedit /etc/init.d/halt

                at the top add

                rmmod ndiswrapper

                that's it. Might I add this wouldn't be needed for ME if Atheros worked in the new kubuntu. But that's another issue, yours is ndiswrapper.


                  Re: Another shutdown/restart problem (somewhat unrelated to the other ones)

                  After a little investigating, it seems that it's the DCOP server that doesn't terminate. If you log out/shut down then switch to a terminal and look at running processes ("ps -ejH | less" for a paged tree), you'll probably find a "dcop-server-shut" left over. If you terminate this process--just this one--then the system will shut down properly.
                  For external use only.

