When I booted my Dell laptop this morning the screen image was only about 640x480 on the 10245x768 screen. I could drag the contents around to get to things, but I don't know how to fix this problem.
Yesterday, I did some photo editing for the first time. I got an error message that I should enable 24-bit color. I opened the display config, but I never did find any "bit" settings. I don't think I changed anything there, but in view of my current problem, maybe I did.
How can I restore a fullscreen display?
Yesterday, I did some photo editing for the first time. I got an error message that I should enable 24-bit color. I opened the display config, but I never did find any "bit" settings. I don't think I changed anything there, but in view of my current problem, maybe I did.
How can I restore a fullscreen display?