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Adding second hard drive

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    Adding second hard drive

    Wanted to put a storage HDD on the second IDE channel, but not enough power leads on the small desktop case I am using. So for now I removed the IDE cable and power lead from the CD. This was a toatlly blank 20Gb HDD, formatted in windows previously on another machine

    HDD no 2 set as master.

    Boot fine and detected by BIOS and added OK.

    Boot continued, but slower than normal, and when started the buttons on the task bar had moved from the last shutdown, and KSYSGuard had installed it own button on the taskbar in bottom LH corner and started itself. I had never heard of it before, and had not used it previously.

    Machine now running very slowly. Eventually manage to click K-Button and shutdown.

    On the second re boot, boot fails, with GRUB loading, please wait... Error 18

    Third reboot the same.

    On removing the second HDD and reboot, BIOS detects hardware change, saved and continue with reboot.

    Kubuntu now booted as normal, with all taskbar buttons in the correct place, and no KSYSGuard.

    Anyone know what is going on here? and how I should go about adding and mounting a second HDD to use a music/photostore

    Re: Adding second hard drive

    STOP PRESS......IDIOT Alert.

    I just swapped the CD off and put the HDD in its place. did not check which was IDE 0 or 1.
    The CD had been put on primary IDE channel....from factory....still had all the cable ties , and folder cables. Put the second HDD on secondary IDE channel, and the system boot HDD on the primary channel and it all works. DOH

