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Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

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    Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

    I have used Kubuntu Dapper and Edgy before the upgrade without any keyboard related problems.

    The keyboard works just fine in XP, Dapper, it is not a USB keyboard.

    Don't ask me to change or try it with another keyboard, I do not have a spare.

    Any one have an answer to this problem?

    Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

    OK. If there is a way for you to copy the xorg.conf file to a location that you can access it from window; check the section about the keyboard configuration. Here is what mine looks like:

    Section "InputDevice"
    	Identifier	"Generic Keyboard"
    	Driver		"kbd"
    	Option		"CoreKeyboard"
    	Option		"XkbRules"	"xorg"
    	Option		"XkbModel"	"pc105"
    	Option		"XkbLayout"	"us"
    	Option		"XkbOptions"	"lv3:ralt_switch"


      Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

      Here you go MoonRise:
      Used Explore2fs to access the file from Windows.
      A section of my xorg.conf, almost identical to yours...

      Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
      Driver "kbd"
      Option "CoreKeyboard"
      Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
      Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
      Option "XkbLayout" "se"
      Option "XkbVariant" "se"
      Option "XkbOptions" "se"


        Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

        Wow, OK. Hmmmm. The only thing I find odd is the: Option "XkbOptions" "se"; mine being: Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch". That still probably wouldn't be the problem though and may be a region setting. I could be wrong though. I'll see if I find anything out there.


          Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

          By looking at your xorg.conf I did this:

          Section "InputDevice"
          Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
          Driver "kbd"
          Option "CoreKeyboard"
          Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
          Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
          Option "XkbLayout" "se"
          Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch"
          Option "XkbVariant" "intl"

          rebooted, and now it works...


            Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

            Glad that worked!! I'll actually keep the Option "XkbVariant" "intl" in mind for other regions.


              Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

              Hi I have the the same problem although mine did work originally. Can some one explain the details for bringing up xorg.conf line.


                Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

                Just open up your favorite text editor (I like Kate) and open /etc/X11/xorg.conf. If you need to write, though, you need to open it as root, e.g. "sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf".
                For external use only.


                  Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

                  Hi I am back I have managed to locate xorg.conf file and open it in kate.I am stuck when it comes to opening it in kate as root.I have managed to get my keyboard working very slowly by disabling its repeat command.I want to give feisty one last chance before I revert to 6.10. Can someone please help and tell me how I open kate as root. Where do I put the sudo kate command. I regret to say I am getting cheesed of with my lack of knowledge.



                    Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

                    Just hit Alt-F2, type/paste "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf", hit enter, type your password, and hit enter again.
                    For external use only.


                      Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

                      Section "InputDevice"
                      Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
                      Driver "kbd"
                      Option "CoreKeyboard"
                      Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
                      Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
                      Option "XkbLayout" "gb"
                      Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch"
                      Option "XkbVariant" "intl"

                      The above is what I now have in my xorg.conf file after adding the last twooptions but my keyboard is still not working properly.I am managing to type this by turning off the repeat mode and holding down each after striking it. The signal is getting thro but slowly. Can anyone help please.



                        Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

                        Well, first thing you might want to do is remove the XkbOptions line, unless you want to switch your left alt key with, I'm guessing, a meta key.
                        Next, describe your keyboard. Is it a standard US keyboard, a standard GB keyboard, or some other, especially weird keyboard, like a German, Danish, or what?

                        Try changing the pc105 to pc104. See if that helps.
                        For external use only.


                          Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

                          Thanks for coming back.I have made the changes suggested but no luck. I have tried two keyboards, both bog standard home/office for use in the Uk. One was made for Viglen by Acer the other by Ortek. The Ortek board was the one in use when Feisty was installed. It did work saisfactorily for a short time. Hope this is of some use.



                            Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

                            Coming back? I haven't left!
                            Anyway, so these keyboards are your standard, everyday keyboard (except perhaps a dollar sign/pound sign key), right?
                            Try comparing it to this keyboard layout. That's a standard 104-key layout.
                            Oh, and if this is a standard keyboard, you probably don't need the "XkbVariant" line, either.
                            For external use only.


                              Re: Upgraded to Feisty, now no keyboard

                              Well yes ok. Coming back is a term we use getting back. You will have worked out I am in the UK. Scotland to be exact. Yes this reps my board. I have a £ on the 3 key and the $ on the 4 key. Ok I have already taken out the variant entry (Its is also shown in my laptop conf). Any suggestions were we go from here.


