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Nvidia 7900 GTX doesn't work

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    Nvidia 7900 GTX doesn't work


    I installed Feisty Fawn yesterday and have tried to get my graphics card to work optimal with nvidia driver.

    I have done:
    sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new
    sudo nvidia-glx-config enable

    When it's booting I only get a black screen with an underscore in top left corner.
    The screen resolution I want to use is 1920x1200
    Booted in rescue mode and copied the backup and rebooted, back where I started.

    Do you have any hints for me?

    PS. I have also tried nvidia-glx with the same result.

    Re: Nvidia 7900 GTX doesn't work

    I'm not saying this will help but it will let you know if it is a conflict with the Monitor and the Display settings. That is what I mostly had problems with. I used "<ctrl><alt>-" (that last part is the minus key on the number keypad). This will change the display resolution. If you are indeed at the login portion and X is active, this should change the resolution. If not then X has not started and you may need to run the below line in konsole to rebuild the xorg.conf file to see if that solves the problem.

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg


      Nvidia 7900 GTX doesn't work

      Originally posted by MoonRise
      sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
      Thanks, that did it or at least some parts of it
      Since I have run both Fedora Core 6 and Kubuntu 6.10 successfully on this computer with nvidia driver I didn't care much of the other parameters so therefore I will tweak the xorg.conf some more BUT I have 1920x1200 on my 24" screen now....great.

      Have a nice weekend!

      PS. I have started the celebration with a Scotch single malt whiskey and will now go with my son/dogs to the playground. DS.

      PS2. I had the Kubuntu 6.10 before and yesterday tried to upgrade....which failed. I tested the upgrade on a VMWare image before that went perfect but that was a standard installation...DS2.


        Re: Nvidia 7900 GTX doesn't work

        Don't forget that for nvidia-glx-whatever to work, you need to have installed the linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` package in advance. (Yes, I did learn it the hard way.).

        How, oh how I wish it were single-malt Scotch time here ... :P


          Re: Nvidia 7900 GTX doesn't work

          Originally posted by dibl
          How, oh how I wish it were single-malt Scotch time here ... :P
          I second that motion...


            Re: Nvidia 7900 GTX doesn't work

            Yes, Sweden is some hours before US (assume that you sit there) .....but as Carlsberg's advertizing says...."worth waiting for"


              Re: Nvidia 7900 GTX doesn't work

              I agree!! Glad you were able to get back in. Hope all else irons out!!

              Around here it probably be said as: "It's Miller Time!"

              But, I'll have to wait before then anyway

