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How do I load wlassistant

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    How do I load wlassistant

    I have a Wireless Network PCI card in my AMD Sempron 1.6ghz machine. While KnetworkManager finds the card it is getting stuck at 28% and never connects to my network. My network runs with WEP. On more then post I have seen to uninstall KnetworkManager and install wlassistant. Well, I think this means to use adept to uninstall and install. But if I can't get connected to the internet how can I install wlassistant? Is this on the disk? OH, and by the way, Ijust downloaded and installed Feisty 7.0.4. I know this is a pretty silly question but I really am a bit confused. I had 6.0.6 installed before but then abandoned Linux for sometime. Now I have come back and am rusty. Thanks for any and all help anyone would be so kind to offer.

    Re: How do I load wlassistant

    You probably already have it installed, as the kubuntu-desktop package depends on it. Try executing wlassistant.

    If you don't, you can get the package manually from here. Just choose your architecture, download, move to the computer, and install.
    For external use only.


      Re: How do I load wlassistant

      Thanks for the reply. Here is what I did. I got a 50' ethernet cable and connected directly to the router via a cable. I then got a great connection and ran a 'Full Upgrade'. Then installed wlassistant and kwifimanager. Then uninstalled KNetworkManager and low and behold I got wireless. It seems to work great. Now I just need to find out how to run wlassistant when the PC comes up. Once again thanks for the response, boy does it feel good to be back. Like I said been away from ubuntu for a bit.


        Re: How do I load wlassistant

        When you say "run wireless assistant when the PC comes up" I assume you mean for your connection to be working at boot?

        Kmenu/system settings/network settings/administrator mode.

        Type password.

        Highlight your wireless connection and select configure interface. Type in any info you have and select start when PC boots. Then hit apply. You might also have to enter your default gateway in the Routes page if you get an error message.

        When you hit apply after a short while your connection should start. Then reboot and you will see it starts when KDE does. You will only need to use wireless assistant if you want to connect to another wireless network. Best solution is to put a link on the desktop.

        kmenu/internet then right click on wireless assistant and select add item to desktop.

        Hope this helps



          Re: How do I load wlassistant

          Originally posted by Razamanaz
          I have a Wireless Network PCI card in my AMD Sempron 1.6ghz machine. While KnetworkManager finds the card it is getting stuck at 28% and never connects to my network.
          Before giving up on knetworkmanager, try this first. I had the same symptoms as you describe and this fix corrected it completely.

          At a terminal window, type: kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces
          Then comment out (put a # in front of) every line except:

          auto lo
          iface lo inet loopback

          Then: (or just reboot the machine)

          quit knetworkmanager from your system tray (right-click --> quit)
          kill Network Manager: sudo killall NetworkManager
          restart networking: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
          start Network Manager: sudo NetworkManager
          start knetworkmanager: Kmenu -> Internet -> KNetworkManager


            Re: How do I load wlassistant

            See this is the whole reason I like Ubuntu. No where have I found a forum so gentle to us 'noobs' and so full and willing to share knowledge.

            *Update*I have gotten the wlassistant to work and will work on getting it loaded when KDE starts. As far as Knetworkmanager I will probably give that another. Because I hate to give up on things. I'll post back with more updates.


              Re: How do I load wlassistant

              OK, I did try the knetworkmanager suggestion and once again I got to 28% and nothing. Eventually it times out.

              BUT, on a good note the wlassistant suggestion is working wonderfully. It now starts with KDE and am on without having to do any manual konnecting

              So Thanks for the responses and the assistance. Much appreciated.


                Re: How do I load wlassistant

                If it's not broke, don't fix it.
                In other words, don't try and get KNetworkManager going, you'll probably break wlassistant.
                For external use only.

