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gcc configuration

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    Re: gcc configuration

    I added the line..nothing happens
    But how can I have internet to do all this?
    I'm trying to install gcc so as to apply the patch for my USB modem and THEN have internet..Any other way plz?(a cd or sth I have to download)
    Thanx for any help!


      Re: gcc configuration

      You may try to install one of the .deb available from this server:

      However, this is merely a wild guess - no guarantees given ...


        Re: gcc configuration

        I downloaded these:
        kubuntu is on my AMD Turion64 laptop and I'll load these files with my USB flash
        Any ideas for how to install them?


          Re: gcc configuration

          Originally posted by Fragile
          Any ideas for how to install them?
          Once they are "on board" your laptop, you may right-click on one of them to access the file's context menu, out of this select Package Menu > Install Package and proceed as requested (keeping your fingers crossed ...).


            Re: gcc configuration

            I did keep my fingers crossed but this came out:
            dpkg:error in processing system:/media/sda1/build-essential_10.1ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--install)
            cannot access file:no such file or directory
            Errors while processing:
            system:/media/sda1/build-essential_10.1ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--install)

            What now?


              Re: gcc configuration

              Originally posted by Fragile
              cannot access file:no such file or directory
              I'd suggest to copy the files to your laptop's own harddisk before attempting to install from them (thus assuming that /media/sda1 refers to the usb stick you're using for transfer ...).


                Re: gcc configuration

                well..errors again,in dependancies this time..
                Reading data 65717 files ad directories have been installed
                the following packages are needed but not installed:libc6-dev,libc-dev,gcc(>=4:4.1.1),,g++(>=4:4.1.1),make,dpkg-dev(>=1.13.5)
                Errors while processing build-essential
                I tried to install build-essential_11.3_i386.deb.


                  Re: gcc configuration

                  Originally posted by Fragile
                  well..errors again,in dependancies this time..
                  Reading data 65717 files ad directories have been installed
                  the following packages are needed but not installed:libc6-dev,libc-dev,gcc(>=4:4.1.1),,g++(>=4:4.1.1),make,dpkg-dev(>=1.13.5)
                  Errors while processing build-essential
                  I tried to install build-essential_11.3_i386.deb.
                  The problem with just downloading just the build-essential package is that it's just a meta-package (a package that depends on other packages, for easy installation of those packages), so you actually need those dependencies.

                  Luckily (all) the build-essential packages are available from the installation CDs (for the purposes you might not get online without them)...they are available from the liveCD and alternateCD alike, just add that CD as a repository with:

                  sudo apt-cdrom add
                  (with the CD in the drive)

                  Remember to refresh the package lists after adding the cd with:
                  sudo apt-get update
                  or clicking 'Fetch Updates' in Adept


                    Re: gcc configuration

                    Originally posted by kubicle
                    The problem with just downloading just the build-essential package is that it's just a meta-package (a package that depends on other packages, for easy installation of those packages), so you actually need those dependencies.
                    I knew that I missed something ...


                      Re: gcc configuration

                      gcc finally installed!
                      Now I have to install the patches for my mode(that will be more tough )
                      Thank you all for your help!!


                        Re: gcc configuration

                        this is a test

