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PC freezes when trying to install via wine

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    PC freezes when trying to install via wine

    Hey im quite new but thought i had it figured out, installed wine no problem, tried "wine wr362.exe" it starts to create the directory and then just freezes up, any suggestions would be appreciated

    Re: PC freezes when trying to install via wine

    Well i decided to uninstall kubuntu and start over, my login name and real name were the same, i think this may have caused a conflict when wine tried to create the directory. It would freeze on any attempt to access wine; winecfg, sudo wine ....., etc, at work now but will give it another go when i get home.

    Other than this one problem im very impressed with the OS, everything else works great, able to play any video/audio format, download with ktorrent, but i would love to play a little pokerstars

    Anyway, just thought i'd update the post, will post again after i try tonight



      Re: PC freezes when trying to install via wine

      if you ever have wine trouble, you can start clean (and save from trying a fresh OS install) by deleting the hidden folder called '/.wine' found in your home dir. literally everything about wine is in there

      also looking over at and browsing the application database may help withsome programs that may (or may not) run in wine. if wr362.exe is winRAR, rar is available in Kubuntu and integrates into Ark
      look here for some info


        Re: PC freezes when trying to install via wine

        Thanks for the reply, turns out it was actually hardware related. i have a faulty onboard sound device and use a sound card, however wine would scan my hardware and crash - had blue screens with xp. Had to disable it in the bios. Though so far only used it for pokerstars. This OS either has or has easy access to anything i require - and plays flac out of the box
        Just in the process of transfering all my data from my xp drive over then i can reformat the sucker

