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Can't play audio cds. Huh?

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    Can't play audio cds. Huh?

    This is VERY frustrating. It just shouldn't be this hard. Especially since kubuntu should 'just work' out of the box.

    After many days of frustration, many days because I have to give up and walk away out of sheer frustration, I finally have amarok playing a local .mp3 file. Eventually one takes the shotgun approach of installing just about anything that looks possibly useful - which is of course ultimately self-defeating for a 'clean' system. Ultimately the problem was no 'engine' selected in amarok's settings. <sigh> Why it would come or be set that way makes no sense to me.

    Anyways ... </rant>

    Currently, if I slip an audio cd into the drive, the icon comes up on the desktop. If I right-click the icon and choose play, up comes 'play' (kscd?), but I hear nothing. (The first song comes up and the progress timer counts up.)

    If I 'play audio cd with kaffeine', it comes up with a blank (black) screen. I hit play, and nothing happens. i.e. No list of songs, no timer, nothing.

    I know sound is working as the very act of selecting that, the machine warbles sounds at me. Playing an .mp3 also produces the expected result. (I copied a couple of .mp3 files to the local desktop, to isolate problems from any network issues.)

    If I go into Amarok / filelist, nothing appears under /cdrom/. I see audiocd:/wav/, I can select the songs, add to playlist, it says playing, but the counter, doesn't.

    At one point I was able to get into a dialogue box where I can choose files, but under the cd I see flac, wav, mp3, ogg, and who knows how many other formats. With the song titles under them. Just play the d*mn CD for Pete's sake! I believe I saw error messages at the time of the form 'you can only select local files' - IT DOESN'T GET ANY MORE LOCAL THAN THIS!

    What sorts of things should I be looking for to make this very basic functionality work?

    Thanks, and please pardon the frustration.

    Re: Can't play audio cds. Huh?

    The default setting for KsCD uses the analogue input from the audio cable connecting the CD drive to the PC motherboard. Modern PCs often do not have this cable fitted to save costs. Either install this analogue cable or simply change the settings in KsCD (Extras, Configure KsCD) in the CD-ROM Device section by selecting the box marked "Use direct digital playback".
    Most other CD playback applications should have a similar option.
    Hope this helps.


      Re: Can't play audio cds. Huh?


      Excellent observation and suggestion, thank you!

      The audio cable probably should have occurred to me. On the other hand, it's a USB sound device (Turtle Beach Audio Advantage Amigo) ...

      ksCD plays the CD now, thanks, so at least I know it's not a hardware issue. But can't find the equivalent setting in kaffeine or amarok, so I'll have to investigate further.

      Thanks again.

