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How do i change the channels?? like in ubuntu

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    How do i change the channels?? like in ubuntu

    Hey every1

    Ive been using ubuntu for a cpl of months and love it

    I installed kubuntu and gotta say i am lovin it just as much, but im tryin to do 2 things

    1. Change the channels so everythin can be installed from repo's and nothing is tried to be installed from CD

    2. I want firefox back, i know konqourer isnt bad or anythin just im happy with firefox and so on, and i miss it

    So any help would be great

    Thanks alot


    Re: How do i change the channels?? like in ubuntu

    Originally posted by mattgaunt
    1. Change the channels so everythin can be installed from repo's and nothing is tried to be installed from CD
    You can manage your repositories with Adept (adept-manager), from File>Manage Repositories, or editing /etc/apt/sources.list manually with a text editor:
    kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
    (If you're not familiar with repositories, I'd suggest using the adept way)

    2. I want firefox back, i know konqourer isnt bad or anythin just im happy with firefox and so on, and i miss it
    You can install 'firefox' from the repositories in kubuntu as well.


      Re: How do i change the channels?? like in ubuntu

      thanks for the reply kubicle

      Yeah but i cant remember what program i tried to install through adept but it wanted the CD to install it and in ubuntu i had the change the channels under software properties to make ubuntu not try and install anything of the CD and also enable all repo's

      It also says that firefox is already installed but the only web browser that is install is konqourer, am i just being extremely thick??


        Re: How do i change the channels?? like in ubuntu

        Originally posted by mattgaunt
        Yeah but i cant remember what program i tried to install through adept but it wanted the CD to install it and in ubuntu i had the change the channels under software properties to make ubuntu not try and install anything of the CD and also enable all repo's
        Edit the repositories (disable the CD repository and enable the online repositories if they are not enabled)

        It also says that firefox is already installed but the only web browser that is install is konqourer, am i just being extremely thick??
        You can check if it's installed with Alt+F2 and 'firefox'? (if it starts, and there isn't a menu item for it, you can add a menu item for it with the k-menu editor, right-click on kmenu and choose 'edit menu')


          Re: How do i change the channels?? like in ubuntu

          i understand now, but im still having troubles installing firefox, firefox isnt in adept and ive added repo's from, what i dont think is right is adept takes ages to fetch updates.

          Ive tried installing firefox through the konsole but no luck either

          Im goin through a proxy server so do you think there might be something rong with that? i seem to be able to get on the internet all ok

          Any ideas would be great



            Re: How do i change the channels?? like in ubuntu

            If you disabled the the cdrom entry in your sources.list then you all you need to do is "Fetch updates" and type firefox in the search box and select firefox for installation. All with adept, Kmenu>System>Adept Manager.

