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    when i run the command apt-get konsole returns this
    E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
    E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?
    what does that mean? and why cant i log in as root via the su command (forgive me if it seems a silly question i am new to kubuntu) it might help if i could log in as root now the os has decided to boot into a black logon screen ect then i have to type startx as i am unable to type poweroff or reboot why has it done that out of the blue?

    thanks in advance

    Re: konsole

    try ...
    sudo apt-get


      Re: konsole

      Originally posted by studmuffin007
      why cant i log in as root via the su command
      The commonly accepted method (su et al. - see this page for additional information) is supposed to fail on *buntu systems (see this page for the official point of view as well as this page for a comment on this).

      Birdy aka littleDrHouse


      Postscript: reference updated


        Re: konsole

        Originally posted by
        as well as this page for a comment on this).
        From your comments:
        From my (paranoid) point of view, that’s a major threat to the operating system’s security as well as to it’s stability (read: life expectancy) - as every experienced administrator well knows, it’s sound and save to keep regular (read: simple-minded) users as far away from the root account as by every means possible.
        (k)ubuntu's approach is not as dangerous as it seems at first glance. By default, only the first user created during installation gets added to the %admin group (=can use sudo to perform root tasks)...the regular users created don't get added to the %admin group, so they cannot use sudo unless you specifically add them to the group 'as root' (or enable them to use sudo for particular tasks in /etc/sudoers)

        Edit: typos :P


          Re: konsole

          thanks for the replies i needed a root account to shut down the pc as i think i have a problem with the graphics when i go to log out i am presented with a black screen ect and unable to POWEROFF without being root (i was up untill 2:30am uk time trying to figure it out)



            Re: konsole

            The "not able to shut down" issue has been discussed in this forum (by far) more than once ... you may give the search button a fair chance to legitimate it's existence


