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Can't get flash to work in Konqueror - and all settings look to be right...

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    Can't get flash to work in Konqueror - and all settings look to be right...

    Hi All,

    I'm having one hell of a time trying to get flash to work in Konqueror - never had this much trouble getting to work in Konq before and don't know what to try next...

    As it is I have:

    - Konq java path set to: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java

    - have all the Firefox flashplugins scanned in and listed in Konq's config. settings

    - have even switched from Blackdown Java to Sun Java and made sure that I removed the Blackdown plugin and installed the Sun plugin (and verified Firefox still worked after doing so...)

    And yet still no flash in Konq...

    Any thoughts or suggestions?


    Re: Can't get flash to work in Konqueror - and all settings look to be right...

    a guess
    try installing flash via the konsole
    by opening sudo konqueror

    then try konqueror in your account ...


      Re: Can't get flash to work in Konqueror - and all settings look to be right...

      Okay, after installing flash via a direct adobe download I'm half way there...

      Rather than getting a box on a flash website stating I need flash 7 or higher I now get what looks like a box opened in flash but no image - my guess is that I may have pointed konq to the wrong java executable - not sure yet though...

      I'm gonna tinker w/ it more when I get some time; if anyone has any more ideas/suggestions in the meantime they'd be appreciated.



        Re: Can't get flash to work in Konqueror - and all settings look to be right...

        just a thought ...
        do you have these installed



          Re: Can't get flash to work in Konqueror - and all settings look to be right...

          Well, still no luck.

          Made sure konq-plugins and konqueror-nsplugins were installed and even uninstalled and reinstalled them along with Konqueror and still no luck...

          I get the feeling this is going to be a bit of a long-term troubleshoot and quite a learning experience - if I can ever get it figured out...

          Again, any thoughts or ideas please send my way.



            Re: Can't get flash to work in Konqueror - and all settings look to be right...

            Quick and easy,

            Open konqueror,

            settings/Configure Konqueror/ scroll down to plugins,

            under the 'Scan' tab, click 'New' navigate to where you have the Flash plugin installed, eg, you may have it installed for firefox, so you would navigate to your firefox/plugin folder, or if you don't have it installed anywhere, download the Flash plugin,


            and extract the file '' to where ever you like, and navigate to that folder, click ok,

            click 'Scan for New Plugins', you should now see an entry for flash under the 'Plugins' tab

            click apply, close the 'Configure konqueror' window

            enjoy flash.


              Re: Can't get flash to work in Konqueror - and all settings look to be right...

              Thanks jagwah, but I've already tried it...

              It got me one step closer but not all the way there. Before trying the install of flash and then the scan of plugins I would get a message stating 'flash player 7 or later needed' whenever I visited a website that needs flash such as YouTube.

              Now, after reinstalling straight from the adobe site and rescanning for mozilla plugins, it recongnizes that I have flash - it just doesn't work. Instead of a video or script running in the flash 'frame' I just get a blank frame - basically a white box with thin gray border within which the flash item should be playing but blank... or sometimes a little black box up in the left corner of the flash 'frame'.

              I thought it may have had something to do with java or something but after going through a switch from Blackdown java to Sun and then reconfiguring back to Blackdown - I still get the same results.

              I've even gone back into Konq's settings and tried manually setting the java path to both 'java' and a direct path to '/usr/lib/j2se/1.4/jre/lib/i386/' (since I'm currently set to use Blackdown vs Sun) and still no change.

              I know flash in general and java in general are working because I have no problems at flash sites in FF or Opera.

              As it is I'm at a complete loss...


                Re: Can't get flash to work in Konqueror - and all settings look to be right...

                just another thought ...

                have you disable the adblocker in konqueror then try the flash player/plugin ...

