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How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

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    How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

    Hello there, I have just installed Kubuntu on my PC. I like this OS very much. But how come I cannot install other applications/ softwares like Photoshop and Flash into this OS??

    I tried to run some .exe files like firefox.exe but nothing happened.

    How do I run them?

    Sorry I'm very new to this OS. Please do let me know if anyone of you how to sort out my problems...


    Re: How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

    Those are windows programs (.exe) They will not run directly under linux. There are linux equals, for photoshop there is Gimp. Firefox has a linux version. Some windows programs will run under linux through another app called Wine which emulates windows. Not everything works though.

    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

      thanks for the reply. sorry for being dump again - where can I get Gimp and Wine?

      I am getting my head around now. Many thanks.


        Re: How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

        'Adept' (under System on the K Menu) is a 'Package Manager'. This gives you access to thousands of programs in the 'repositories' (commonly shortened to 'repos'), which are online collections of 'packages' (basically, programs or program components, often with 'dependencies', other packages that must be installed for the selected package to work).

        To get the full range of packages, you'll need to enable the 'universe' repo. To do so, in Adept, go Adept > Manage Repositories. Find greyed-out entries that have 'universe' at the end, right click them, and choose Enable. Then click Apply, then Close, then Fetch Updates.

        'Add/Remove Programs' is a simplified package manager with a restricted range of software. I _think_ everything in here is stuff that will appear in the K Menu, i.e. not command-line tools or server software. I suggest you take a look at the stuff listed there and see if anything looks good.

        You can find flash on adobe's website, or by searching the net. Currently there is the stable flash 7 player, and the beta flash 9 player. In my experience both crash firefox equally often.

        With regards to the different desktop environments, all apps will run just fine under all desktops. However, if you find yourself using a lot of apps from a desktop other than KDE, consider switching to that desktop. You can install it from adept, the packages you want are

        edubuntu-desktop for edubuntu
        kubuntu-desktop for KDE, I presume you have this already
        xubuntu-desktop for xfce
        ubuntu-desktop for GNOME

        bear in mind that having multiple environments will increase hard disk space used, and running apps from them at the same time will increase memory usage. If you run XFCE, and then start running a bunch of KDE apps under it, you're liable to lose the speed and low-memory usage of XFCE.
        I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (yes Gnome) with upgrades applied daily about 0900 UK time. Hardware is Dell Precision 420, 2x 800 MHz PIII, 512 MB RDRAM, nVidia GeForce 6800 128 MB AGP graphics, 18GB SCSI and 500GB IDE HDDs, DVD burner, Hauppage TV card.


          Re: How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

          thanks that was really useful. I have managed to installed wine at last.

          but I wonder how to run it. I have been reading the ´how to¨ on wine web site, but I dont understand it at all...


            Re: How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

            If you have wine installed already it should load when you try to run the exe file. I think it would be easier to learn gimp than to try and get photoshop working but here is a list of applications that should work fine under wine.

            If you are having some problems getting some wine apps to install correctly then you might want to take a look at this site which makes it easier to install some of the applications.



              Re: How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

              Honestly, I would recommend GIMP as well, but if you want photoshop:

              Open a terminal session and type winefile. This will open a wine browser. Browse to your installation executable on it's disk, and double click it. This will install your new windows program. Don't change the default file path for installation. Then, to run the program, open winefile the same way, and go to username\.wine\program files\your program folder, and double click the exe.


                Re: How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

                thank you guys. will try on the new software later... got any major problem now that not able to log in the Kubuntu. just posted for help.


                  Re: How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

                  I like to try GIMP as a replacement for photoshop.

                  What programmes in Kubuntu to replace Illustrator and Dreamweaver?

                  Really looking forward to new open source programmes.



                    Re: How do install softwares like Adobe Photoshop in Kubuntu

                    dreamweaver ->

                    not linked to nvu
                    never used it
                    don't know if it's good or bad

