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On access scan KlamAV and Dazuko

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    On access scan KlamAV and Dazuko

    Has anyone got this to actually work, I have tried different install methods suggested on the net.
    This is my latest attempt and I did like this:

    sudo aptitude install module-assistant -y
    sudo module-assistant prepare
    sudo dpkg -i dazuko-source_2.3.2-1_all.deb
    sudo m-a a-i dazuko
    I opened the dazuko document:
    run command:
    kdesu kate /etc/modprobe.d/dazuko
    Copied and pasted the below code into the blank document and saved it:

    install dazuko modprobe -r capability;\
    modprobe -i dazuko; \
    modprobe -i capability

    run command:
    kdesu kate /etc/modules
    then I added the word "dazuko" at the end of the /etc/modules file
    and saved it

    then I ran the following in Konsole:
    sudo rmmod capability
    sudo modprobe dazuko
    sudo modprobe capability

    then I installed ClamAV and KlamAV
    sudo aptitude install klamav clamav-getfiles clamav clamav-base clamav-daemon clamav-data clamav-docs clamav-freshclam clamav-milter clamav-testfiles -y

    After install I started KlamAV from K-menu -> System -> KlamAV
    and enabled it to autoscan /home.
    KlamAV now runs nicely in the system tray but it DOES NOT detect any of the testfiles I have downloaded.

    What have I missed?

    Re: On access scan KlamAV and Dazuko

    Hi, adder.

    I have also gotten as far as you with KlamAV under Kubuntu Edgy Eft (6.10). I documented my slightly shorter method, in the FAQ on the KlamAV website.

    However, you're exactly right - KlamAV does not perform the on-access scanning properly when installed from packages in Kubuntu.

    After getting no response to my own post in this forum, I've been following this up on the KlamAV mailing list:

    Feel free to watch for progress or, preferably, join in and prove there's more demand than just me, for an easy-to-install on-access scanner under Kubuntu!



      Re: On access scan KlamAV and Dazuko

      Ah, think I've figured it out.

      KlamAV needs to be run with root privileges to access the dazuko device.

      I've documented my Kubuntu KlamAV installation procedure in the FAQ on the KlamAV website, if you need it.


