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Where do files go?

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    Where do files go?

    I have made 2 or 3 setups, and when i look for those programs i cant find them. Where do those programs gp once installed?

    Thanks in advance

    PS: Are autoPackages compatible with Kubuntu? (i tried to do what they explain here and it doesnt work 4 me

    Re: Where do files go?

    The executable parts of the program usually go to /usr/bin by default. Other possible locations are: /bin, /sbin/, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin, /usr/bin/X11, aand /usr/games.

    Afaik, autopackages don't work on Kubuntu.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Where do files go?

      I found the executables that i need, but i still cant run the programs. Is there any special program in Kubuntu that can read those? (or any other location where i can find a linux executable for those programs?

      thanks in advance


        Re: Where do files go?

        have you tried running the command from the konsole or from the run dialog? Maybe you can create a shortcut to the file to make it easier for you. what programs are you talking about?


          Re: Where do files go?


          I downloaded and installed some games like simutrans, freecol and startrade. I have not used konsole as i have no idea how to use it (im new to linux, coming from win XP)


            Re: Where do files go?

            You say you found the executables? Are they windows executables, or did you get the linux versions. What options do you get when you right click on the files?

            If they are windows, perhaps you can run them in wine.


              Re: Where do files go?

              i suppose they are linux executables, as when i downloaded those, they were in linux download websites. The excecutables look like this all of them, but if i click some of them, they will run while others will get completelly ignored... is there any specific .exe file reader for kubuntu?

              Thanks in advance


                Re: Where do files go?

                First, make sure each executable is set to be executable - often they are not automatically for safety and security reasons. Right-click on it and select Properties - Permissions, and make sure it is checked as executable

                Some of those games may need to be started via a command line or possibly are incompatible with kubuntu's library files or may need extra libraries installed in order to run. Maybe point us to where you got these file and maybe we can see whats up with them

       is a good place for linux games, and there are a fair number can be found in Adept. If you type in "game" in the search and have the "description" box checked there are tons of choices to install, especially after you enable Universe and Multiverse.

                Try browsing to the folder where the executable file is, right-click on an empty space in that folder, and select -Actions- Open Terminal Here to open Konsole in that directory. then try typing "./<filename>" to see if it runs. If not it will most likely give an error message saying what is not working or missing


                  Re: Where do files go?

                  I think the easiest way to do things right now would be to go to the K menu then SYSTEM then KONSOLE TERMINAL PROGRAM. (Or hit ALT and F2 and type in konsole)
                  Then type
                  apt-cache search games
                  This will bring up a list of easily installable games for you with a brief description, you could try searching on some of the names to find screenshots if you like. Then when you have found some games that you really like and want to try them out you then
                  just type
                  sudo apt-get install (name of application/game here)

                  When asked for a password it should be the same one you have upon signing in.
                  It should put an icon in the menu for your newly installed application, or you could bring up your ALT F2 and type in the name of whatever your trying to run.

                  If you don't like the game and want to remove it so you don't put a bunch of stuff on your system that you don't want then
                  just type
                  sudo apt-get remove (name of application/game here)

                  Those are some very basic commands that I think will be of great help to you.
                  Also I think this would be a good place for some reference to help you when learning and figuring things out on your system.
                  Good luck!

                  (edit) Forgot to mention that while in konsole you can type

                  which (program name) and it should tell you where the file is located


                    Re: Where do files go?

                    to make sure you're actually dealing with linux executables,
                    open up a konsole, then use the "file" command against your

                    file <path_to_executable>

                    the "file" command tries to determine a file's type.

                    you should get something like

                    ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.0, ...


