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ClamAV and Dazuko problems

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    ClamAV and Dazuko problems

    Because I work in a MS Windows world, I like to stay very up to date with my ClamAV. I install ClamAV from source and until now that has not been a problem with Kubuntu. After upgrading to Dapper I've noticed that clamd does not start properly and I've found 2 causes for this.

    The first problem is that clamd can't create it's socket at /var/run/clamd/clamd.sock. It complains that the file does not exist. Sure enough it doesn't, so I use "sudo mkdir /var/run/clamd" and then start clamd. Clamd creates the socket and runs fine (except for the second problem, with dazuko). When I reboot my PC, clamd again fails to start because it can't create it's socket. I check for the /var/run/clamd directory and it's not there. I go through the above process again and clamd runs fine until the boot cycle when, for some reason the directory is againg deleted? What is doing this and how can I stop it?

    The problem with dazuko is that the dazuko module needs to be loaded befor the capability module. How can I specify a module load order to allow dazuko to load before capability?

    Rick Knight