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    FLASH 9

    I was fine only having flash 7 working on my Kubuntu system until recently. More and more sites seem to be moving to flash 9 and require you to have it to view thier sites. Well I just found this (though many of you probably already have) and thought of sharing it.

    You can download flash 9 beta from Adobe Labs, which so far has worked great!

    Get it here

    I just copied the file to my profile ~/.mozilla/plugins folder (which I had to create) then restarted firefox and presto!

    Hope its just that easy for you!

    Re: FLASH 9

    too bad it doesnt work well in Opera


      Re: FLASH 9

      yeah that is too bad... damn adobe
      I guess its either wait another six months or so for the final release and see if it works then or load up firefox and wait around 30-60 seconds (depending on your system)
      The great thing about linux is that the choice is yours!!

      Have fun


        Re: FLASH 9

        I tried to substitute the old with the new beta one and opera recognize it but doesn't work well, but in Firefox the aboutlugins say version 7.0 r25 again.
        I tried this site that requieres flash 8

        I searched every into my system and I find

        of course my_home/.mozilla/plugins

        and a lot of links direct to flashplayer-nonfree

        What have I to do to see the 9.0.11 version?
        Help thanx


          Re: FLASH 9

          maybe you can try taking it from the repo?

          ##### Treviño's Ubuntu Repository
          ##(for Flash 9 Beta)
          ##deb dapper 3v1n0
          ##deb-src dapper 3v1n0

          it works for edgy as well... you can also try automatix2


            Re: FLASH 9

            Better yet, use the repository made by Seveas, an Ubuntu developer. You can get the instructions here:


            Take note that Flash 9 on Linux is still beta software. It may or may not work, and if it doesn't work, don't expect to get full 100% support from Ubuntu (as it is in multiverse in the first place). Of course, that doesn't mean that no one will try to help you out.

            Other than that, go and have fun! :P
            Jucato's Data Core


              Re: FLASH 9

              Originally posted by statyk
              I was fine only having flash 7 working on my Kubuntu system until recently.  More and more sites seem to be moving to flash 9 and require you to have it to view thier sites.  Well I just found this (though many of you probably already have) and thought of sharing it.

              You can download flash 9 beta from Adobe Labs, which so far has worked great! 

              Get it here


              I just copied the file to my profile ~/.mozilla/plugins folder (which I had to create) then restarted firefox and presto!

              Hope its just that easy for you!
              I also replaced the from the Flash 9 Beta download and man am I happy. It not only fixed the sync problem I had in Konqueror but also for some reason the playback is smoother.

              The only thing that is a bit annoying is that on some very new flash animations (e.g. I get a bit of a frame around the animation, but I believe it is due to the Flash Player 9 itself as it happens under Firefox 2.0 on a gnome desktop also.


                Re: FLASH 9

                I upgraded to Flash 9, and it was easy enough, of course, but then 1:30 into a youtube video, it crashed (firefox closed) and crashed each subsequent time afterwards. I went back to Flash 7, and it workey just fine. Any others have this problem and is there a solution?
                "Lisa, you don't spend ten years as a homicidal maniac without learning something about dynamite."


                  Re: FLASH 9

                  Shockwave Flash

                  Nome file:
                  Shockwave Flash 7.0 r25

                  Tipo MIME Descrizione Estensione Attivo
                  application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Sì
                  application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl Sì

                  I used the repository with deb packages for dapper and I've been in the warcraft site and it works (with right click I can see "Adobe Flash Player 9"!) but in the aboutlugins tab you can see that everything is still in that way and the gumbody light site doen't work yet. I've tried the new flash in firefox for windows and the gumbody site works...........why??
                  Is the italian understandble? I hope yes


                    Re: FLASH 9

                    Shockwave Flash

                    Nome file:
                    Shockwave Flash 9.0 d55

                    Tipo MIME Descrizione Estensione Attivo
                    application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Sì
                    application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl Sì

                    To obtain this I erased the files into /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree and I copied the in that directory. In this way firefox works.

                    Thanx to all

