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Mrtg installation

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    Mrtg installation

    I am running 6.06.1.
    I want to run mrtg to monitor a couple of 3com switches I have in use.
    I used adept to install apache-perl. I then installed mrtg using adept.

    I have been using
    as a guide for installation.

    Problem I have is that the web page comes up and the graphs come up with no data in them. Click on a graph and the underlying data is 0's so I know that is not working.

    The installation page shows modifying /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf. My system doesn't have a /etc/snmp directory. Since I am getting no data in my graphs, I am wondering if snmp is not running and returning anything to mrtg.

    Do I need to do something to get snmp working ? Its not in the guide, but maybe its something that only gets installed with the server install (instead of the destop install which I did).

    thanks for any ideas,

    Re: Mrtg installation

    sorry, know its bad form to answer your own question, but I figured out my problem.

    Since I installed the desktop distribution, snmpd was not installed. I used Adept to install snmpd and configure it as per the How-To previously linked to. Started up snmpd. Created /etc/mrtg.cfg as per instructions. Did indexmaker as per instructions and waited. Now, I see the graphs for the devices. Works great.

    Sorry for the wasted bandwidth.


