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All of the following assumes you are running Kubuntu 6.06 and have an Intel type processor (Pentium 4, Pentium D, Core 2 Duo, etc). If this is not all true or you are not sure do not proceed...
If it is correct then go to this webpage: http://getautomatix.com/wiki/index.p...tion&Itemid=38
Open your Konsole (K Menu - System - Konsole)
Copy & paste this into the Konsole: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list
A file will open up in Kate (the Kubuntu text editor) called Sources.list
In this file, copy and paste the following text to become the last line in the file: deb http://www.getautomatix.com/apt dapper main
Also in this file,
You will see many pound signs (#) throughout; these are for commenting
and wherever they are the code that follows them on that line will not be
readable by the computer. Everywhere you see a single pound sign (#)
at the start of a line that is followed by either "deb-src http....." or
" deb http....." - remove the pound sign in front of that URL. These URLs
are sources for getting files to your computer. After you have added the line
in the previous paragraph and uncommented (removed the pound sign) then
save the file by clicking the floppy icon in the toolbar (just like a Windows app).
After it is saved then close the file.
Copy & paste this into the Konsole: gpg --import key.gpg.asc
Copy & paste this into the Konsole: gpg --export --armor 521A9C7C | sudo apt-key add -
Copy & paste this into the Konsole: sudo apt-get update
Copy & paste this into the Konsole: sudo apt-get install automatix2
After all this is done, close Konsole and go to K menu - system - Automatix Automatix shows up in my menu just below Adept. Click this once and open it. Enter password when prompted. Tons of crap will scroll on the screen but eventually you will get a GUI app where you can choose to install various things.
Thanks ,i tried easy ubuntu .It just stood there a did nothing,i did add a new line in sources.lst for not so easy ubuntu.Should i remove this line first,before proceeding?
What version OS are you running? 6.06? 6.10?
What is your processor or computer type? (did it used to have Windows on it?)
You need to post this info so someone can help you.
I would recommend getting Ubuntu Unleashed and reading through it, otherwise
you will just blindly stumble and get frustrated if you don't learn some basic
commands. Linux is very doable but you have to put an effort into it. http://www.amazon.com/Ubuntu-Unleash.../dp/0672329093
EasyUbuntu is much easier to run than Automatix. It just requires four lines of code:
Cope and paste into Konsole: tar -zxf easyubuntu-3.023.tar.gz
Cope and paste into Konsole: cd easyubuntu
Cope and paste into Konsole: sudo python easyubuntu.in
A GUI app will pop up and you check various things you want installed. Another text window will pop up and have gibberish rolling by at a good speed sometimes and others it will stay put for up to five minutes as it downloads varous things. Make sure to read the documentation on the Easy Ubuntu site for answers to your specific questions. All the answers are there.
For your question about removing the line added into sources.list. Yes, if you remember the exact line yoiu added, then remove it. If you are not sure, then just leave it. It will not hurt anything. Make a backup copy of your sources.list (or any other file you will be modifying in the process).
You need to ask yourself, "why do I want to download EasyUbuntu or Automatix?" too. If you just want a few programs then it might be easier to just download them from their original source. For instance, it is quicker to download and install Google Earth from Google than Automatix.
Google Earth:
1. http://earth.google.com/
2. Click the link in the upper right hand corner of the screen "Get Google Earth"
3. Download the file to your desktop - takes a few minutes
4. Open Konsole and type: cd Desktop <ENTER>
Linux is case sensitive - typing in "cd desktop" will not work - has to be "cd Desktop"
5. Copy and paste into Konsole: sudo chmod 755 GoogleEarthLinux.bin <ENTER>
6. Copy and paste into Konsole: sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin <ENTER>
7. A screen will pop up and Google Earth will begin installing.
My system ...P4 cpu ,2 Sata drives,one with xp home ,the second with kubuntu 6.06.1 ,kde 3.5.2
I just purchase The Official ubuntu book.I wanted to run easy ubuntu to get all the packages that allow me to run all the multimeadia stuff.
I am having problem power off from kubuntu,is this a bug?or is my setting off.
Are you instructing me to enable the backports.I did that before this post,my adept-notifier had 3 updates .
When i tried to download these updates i get ..break updates.So i disable those repositories.
I realy would like to get realplayer and all those other stuff.
Well i installed Automatix2.Download 90% of the packadges,including the new icons.
Automatix2 failed to complete the downloading of kde 3.5.5.
I lost my mounted disk icon on my desktop
I can no longer access my icons from setting-appearance-icon.I now get "the specified libary icons could not be found /usr/lib/kde3/kcm_icons.so:undefined Symbol:_ZN15 k progress Dialog4 show Ev .
I now access my icons from the theme manager.
How can i fix this.