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Application Panel

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    Application Panel

    Help! Somehow I have messed up my panel at the bottom of my screen. Here is what happened:
    (1) I had multiple applications running--
    a. Firefox
    b. Thunderbird
    c, XMMS
    (2) I turned to help my wife on her M$ computer and when I turned around there was a menu open on the right side of the screen [I don't remember what it was]. I closed it.
    (3) Then I noticed that the KDE start applet was missing on the panel, along with all the applets on the right side of the panel: updates, notes, multiple-desktops, etc.
    (4) I got the KDE applet running again, but it appeared on the right side of the panel, rather than on the extreme left of the panel. I moved it to the proper place on the panel.
    (5) But the right side of the panel is still missing; also any applications that I open do not appear on the panel. I can get to the applications by Alt-Tab, so that is no problem; but because they do not appear on the panel, I can't tell at a glance which applications are running. Also, I don't know how to get to the other desktops.
    (6) I have looked under Configure Desktop and Configure Panel but nothing seems to apply to my problem. Perhaps I am overlooking something.

    Help! TIA.

    Re: Application Panel

    Upon further reflection I have found the menu that will enable me to add applets and applications to the panel. I have restored the clock, the trash basket, the desktop applet, and the window list. I have not yet found notes, volume control, application update indicator, and several more that I can't remember. I did a default install, so if you have a similar install, perhaps you can remind me of those applets that I cannot remember.

    I still cannot get my active programs to appear in my panel. Though I have the window list applet and can get to each running application via Alt-Tab, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to restore the active programs in the panel.

    Thanks for your help.


      Re: Application Panel

      Have you tried to add the "task panel" applet?.



        Re: Application Panel

        The volume aplication is not an applet.

        Just press Alt+F2 and type kmix.

        The aplication updater notificator should appear automagically when updates are avaliable. It it doens't, usually runing adept and updating it solves it.

        I don't know about what notes software are you talking


          Re: Application Panel

          OK, I think I'm back to semi-normal, and I learned a good bit about the panel in doing so.

          I right-clicked on the panel and selected Add Applet to Panel. I then added the following applets: Desktop Previewer and Pager, System Tray, Window List, Desktop Access, and Clock . This was for the right side of my panel.

          For the left side of my panel I did as above and added K Menu and System Menu. Some of the applets on the left side of the menu did not disappear: Konqueror, Kontact, Konsole, and Kate, so I didn't have to add them back.

          Many thanks for your replies. I hope that this explanation of what I did will help others if they accidently mess up their panel.

