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KDE Sound System Disappears Anytime

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    KDE Sound System Disappears Anytime

    Hello folks,


    - KDE Sound System disappears (does not sound) arbitrarily
    - When restarted the KDE login sound does not sound - but sometimes it does sound even if i dont do anything
    - Sound is ok when playing MP3 or OGG in Amarok and Juk
    - Checked Volume settings - all is good to go


    Sound Card
    - VIA 82C686A/B rev 50
    - Tried adjusting all Kmix settings --> same results
    - Selected Open Sound System - same results
    - Selected Advanced Linux Sound Architecture - same results
    - Adjusted sound buffer to maximum allowed - same results
    - Skip prevention disabled and enabled - same results
    - Checked cables and sound cards - They are OK
    - Used different speakers + different headset - same results

    - Using Xine engine, libamarok_xine-engine, version 1, framework version 15
    - Using Linux Kernel 2.16.15-26-386
    - KDE version 3.5.2


    - I hope somebody knows! It seems to be common and most posts seem to be unresolved

    Good night (or morning or afternoon) fellow Linux lovers.

    Live long and prosper. I will rest now. =)

    Re: KDE Sound System Disappears Anytime



      Re: KDE Sound System Disappears Anytime

      Try from the command line the following:


      After adjusting the volumes and other settings, save them as default using the command

      "alsactl store"

      Good Luck!


        Re: KDE Sound System Disappears Anytime


        Over the last few weeks I was able to find the culprit as to why the sound won't sound - during various times.

        The sounds for any multimedia player sound OK but the KDE system sounds won't play.

        -------> SOLUTION or DIAGNOSIS

        I realized that the sound won't work when I set Kubuntu to Auto-Login

        Now that's really interesting. I figured this out since I reinstalled Kubuntu and as you may all know - the default is for you to enter your password whenever logging in.

        Anybody would care to explain to me why? Thanks


          Re: KDE Sound System Disappears Anytime

          Dang there it goes again. I enabled auto login and since that

          1. Knotify frequently crashes
          2. the KDE sound system wont work

