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Eternal Lands Install

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    Eternal Lands Install

    Hi, Im trying to install an mmorpg game called Eternal Lands but i cant figure it out These are the directions

    To play on Linux:
    Download the zip file, and unzip it.
    cd to the directory where you installed it.
    chmod to 775 and execute el.x86.linux.bin
    edit el.ini and change datadir to where you unzip everything
    Also, the zip file has no base directory, so you should unzip it in a new directory you create.
    To play under FreeBSD, download the Linux version, download the code from the CVS, and use the freebsd make file.

    lol im a noob and i have no idea what half that stuff means Its real annoying having to switch to win-doze to play, can someone please give me some simplified instructions on what i have to do?

    Thanks in advance,

    Re: Eternal Lands Install

    First off, I don't know too. I'm a noob too.

    I just want to comment that I guess that's the problem with many stuff, the instructions always assume that the reader knows what it is talking about.

    Don't lose heart though, maybe someday they'll figure that out.

