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Adept database locked

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    Adept database locked

    After not using Kubuntu for a while, I logged in today and wanted to do an update. When I launched Adept, I received a message that said that the database is locked and can only be used in "read only" mode. It said that the most likely cause was that another process was using the database. No other apps were running unless it was running in the background. The update monitor utility was running in the tray, but I closed it with no change and even tried rebooting with it off with no change - still the same message. I looked into the system settings/system services list and saw nothing that seemed to have anything to do with the database, though I am not experienced enough to spot something unless it was obvious.


    Running Kubuntu Dapper 6.0.6


    Optiker<br /><br />Alienware Area 51<br />P4 3.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM<br />NVIDIA GEFORCE 6800, 256 MB<br />Windows XP Home

    Re: Adept database locked

    Try a sudo apt-get update
    put that in konsole. it should tell you what to do at the end.


      Re: Adept database locked

      som...thanks for the reply...will try it next time I see this.

      While I was waiting, I found this on another orum and it did the trick:

      "I fixed this by deleting the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/updates, (don't delete the directory)"

      Optiker<br /><br />Alienware Area 51<br />P4 3.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM<br />NVIDIA GEFORCE 6800, 256 MB<br />Windows XP Home


        Re: Adept database locked

        I'm having the same problem. Thanks for sharing the solution so I don't have to make another thread!

        By the way, this always happens to me when Adept crashes on me. Is there a way to automate deleting the contents?
        The Universe is a figment of its own imagination.<br /><br />-Douglas Adams


          Re: Adept database locked

          in the terminal after doing sudo apt-get update it will tell you something, something or another. it will tell you to run a command it prints out at the end. it goes something like .....dpkg -i..... cant remember exactly but just copy and paste it, dont forget to do sudo with it. after that do sudo apt-get update, upgrade in the terminal and the issue should be fixed.


            Re: Adept database locked

            i believe this is the command.
            sudo dpkg --configure -a


              Re: Adept database locked

              Originally posted by someguyouknow
              i believe this is the command.
              sudo dpkg --configure -a

              There you go. just copy and paste and that should fix it.


                Re: Adept database locked

                I'm having a very similar problem... except that there are no files in the /var/lib/dpkg/update folder, it is completely empty. And the sudo apt-get update command worked until it was ready to install, and at that point, it said the database was being used by another program... And also, Adept, when it is working, isn't letting me load certain files stating that they may cause dependency issues... or something like that... It's been a few hours and I can't quite remember... But I really need some help with this... It's driving me crazy not being able to do anything.

