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format to fat32 (lba) with Konsole?

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    format to fat32 (lba) with Konsole?

    Hi all. Want to format a 160gb partition to fat32, either through qtparted or with the help from a console.

    I tried to install qtparted but it only found my "hde" drive and not my "hdb" that the partiotion is on. So I went to cfdisk but it refused to write the partition table if I didn't make one partition bootable. which I don't want to do.

    Can someone pls help me to find all my drives in qtparted or guide me through cfdisk.

    The drive that I want to use is "hdb" and the setup on that will be.

    hdb1 160gb fat32
    hdb2 8gb ext3
    hdb3 25gb ext3

    The other 2 partitions is done but Kubuntus install didn't make my fat32 lbs compatible so I need to fix that. Thx for any help I can get. /// Freddan
    When you make your mark in the world, watch out for guys with erasers.

    Re: format to fat32 (lba) with Konsole?

    Have you tried

    sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/hdb1

    More options can be found:

    man mkfs.vfat


      Re: format to fat32 (lba) with Konsole?

      I made a partition table that look like this:

      hdb1 primary W95 FAT32 169983
      hdb2 primary ext3 8003
      hdb3 primary ext3 22060

      with cfdisk.

      When trying to format the hdb1 partition afterwards I get.
      freddan@Kubuntu:~$ sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/hdb1
      mkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)
      mkfs.vfat: Too few blocks for viable file system
      Pls help I really need my FAT32 partition working :-). /// Freddan

      When you make your mark in the world, watch out for guys with erasers.


        Re: format to fat32 (lba) with Konsole?

        mkfs.vfat should have been able to work out the size of your /dev/hdb1 partition automatically.

        You could try explicitly stating the number of blocks to format:

        sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb1

        -l is a minus followed by lowercase L. This should print the partition table giving you the size of the partition in blocks.


        sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/hdb1 [block count from prev command]

        Can you delete all of the partitions and start from scratch? Perhaps creating the FAT32 partition first and formatting it before creating the other partitions?

