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ndiswrapper help please?

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    ndiswrapper help please?


    I am somewhat of a noobie with Linux and I'm checking my hardware compatability by using the LiveCD of Kubuntu 6.06 and I've run into a problem with the network card.  It's a Dell Latitude 610 laptop with a Dell 1470 wireless card which has a Broadcom 4319 chipset.  The card is recognised, and modprobe shows that the bcm43xx module is loaded, but I cannot "see" any wireless networks.  Obviously as I cannot see them I cannot configure to connect to anything.

    I suspect it's a firmware issue as I had a similar problem with PCLinuxOS when using the bcm43xx module. However, I did mnage to get a fully fuctional connection using ndiswraaper and the latest drivers downloaded from Dell. My qusetion is, how do I use ndiswrapper under Kubuntu.  Even when I change to su it reports "command not found".  Is ndiswrapper omitted from the LiveCD for some reason or am I missing some subtle PATH trick somewhere? 

    Re: ndiswrapper help please?

    Download and build from source here:

    Once installed I think the commands will be

    $ ndiswrapper -i <yourdriver>.inf
    $ modprobe ndiswrapper

    (make sure you are in the directory containing the .inf file and whatever else came with it as ndis can use those other files too I think).

    (you might need to add an "$ depmod -a" in there).

    You may then need to restart your networking.

    $ /etc/init.d/networking restart

    after ensuring you have a suitable set of lines in your /etc/network/interfaces.
    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    should be enough I think.

    You can add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules to have it loaded at the start I think.

