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make command doesn't work..?

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    make command doesn't work..?

    I was trying to install Apache from source, as the install manager doesn't have it, and when I tried to do the "make" command, it says "make: command not found." Is there a different command in Kubuntu or something?

    I tried it from sudo also, same result.

    Re: make command doesn't work..?


    You should be able to find it, it's in main repository. You can try to install it by :
    sudo apt-get install apache2

    If you still want to build it from source, so you need the package build-essential :
    sudo apt-get install build-essential

    Hope it helps.


      Re: make command doesn't work..?

      Cool, thanks. Quick response, lol, I'm impressed.


        Re: make command doesn't work..?

        I tried to get build-essential, and got the following:

        Reading package lists... Done
        Building dependency tree... Done
        E: Couldn't find package build-essential

        Decided to just install it pre-built, and got this:

        Reading package lists... Done
        Building dependency tree... Done
        E: Couldn't find package apache2

        Wowo. I'm lost.

        Edit: Tried "sudo apt-get update", to make sure it has the most recent list, and I still get the same thing.


          Re: make command doesn't work..?

          Really strange, did you enabled all repos in the /etc/apt/sources.list ?
          If not you should take off the # in front of all lines starting by "deb http://"
          Maybe you should comment also your cd repos, first of second line add a "#" in front of the line with the cd.

          Then rerun sudo apt-get update and you should be fine.
          I think you should be able to do also from adept, manage repos.

          If it's not working, can you please post your /etc/apt/sources.list please ?



            Re: make command doesn't work..?

            Originally posted by blasphemous cow
            "make: command not found." Is there a different command in Kubuntu or something?
            You need to install make. Go to adept/Kynaptic and search for 'make' and 'gcc' and install those that should solve your problem.

