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Java swing issues vote for KDE bug 135146

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    Java swing issues vote for KDE bug 135146

    I've filed a bug report on KDE, 135146, for the continuing plaguing Java swing problem I've been having. The problem concerns Java Swing applications running on any KDE version 3.4.x and higher. What happens is random window misbehaviour when a Swing app opens a new frame or dialog. Sometimes the window maximizes but most often (and most annoying) the window goes into shade mode and cannot be unshaded. Is there a way to totally disable window shading in KDE? That would really help me as I can hardly stand using my IDE on Kubuntu anymore. I get the problem many times when I refactor or replace text. The refactor or replace dialog opens as a dang shaded dialog and I cannot unshade it. I go through many iterations of closing and re-keying the hot key to get it to pop up the right way. Sometimes I'm successful and sometimes I just have to shut down the whole dang IDE do something else for a while and come back to it. It's very, very, verym very annoying! Please, can anyone offer suggestions?