This seems like a major security issue to me. I am not being prompted for a password when I use sudo under my normal user name. For instance, when end my current session, log back in under my normal user name. Open up a console window and type "sudo touch /bullmanure", it will create the file without asking me for a password.
For some background information: I started having problems after I installed xbuntu-desktop package. All my ".bashrc" and related files disappeared from my home directory and konsole wasn't listing files in color anymore. I copied all "*.bash*" files back from /etc/skel back to home directory. I also copied them to the /root per some advice i got on #kubuntu (perhaps this was a mistake).
Am I going to need to reinstall? I'm panicking here
For some background information: I started having problems after I installed xbuntu-desktop package. All my ".bashrc" and related files disappeared from my home directory and konsole wasn't listing files in color anymore. I copied all "*.bash*" files back from /etc/skel back to home directory. I also copied them to the /root per some advice i got on #kubuntu (perhaps this was a mistake).
Am I going to need to reinstall? I'm panicking here