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evolution look & feel

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    evolution look & feel


    I installed ubuntu 6.06 and successfully installed kubuntu with
    apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
    No problems....all work correctly and I always use kde because I dislike gnome style
    I'd like to change evolution look & feel in order to have it fully integrated with kde style
    I'll try to explain better......
    One year ago I installed yoper (a linux distro based on kde) and evolution had a look perfectly integrated with kde (colors, appearance....)

    How can I make the same thing with dapper?


    Re: evolution look & feel

    I suspect that the Yoper developers had made some changes in the Evolution Look & Feel to make it more compatible with KDE. Evolution is very definitely a Gnome app. The only thing that I can suggest is to go into K>"System Settings">Appearance>"GTK Styles & Fonts" and check "Use my KDE style in GTK applications" and "Use my KDE fonts in GTK applications". Of course, if Evolution then crashes, you'll have to uncheck those boxes.


      Re: evolution look & feel


      thanks for kink your reply
      I'll try your suggestion and I'll provide you a feedback
      However....I'm a linux newbie but I think it should be graceful that linux application, could change their look adapting itself according to the windows manager you are working on.
      I heard some months ago that there was a project related to the "look and feel" that should have to be taken care of this problem but I didn't hear it anymore.
      Do you know something?


        Re: evolution look & feel

        There are a couple of projects that are attempting to "Jazz Up" the eye candy of the Linux desktop. However, I don't think that it is possible to have exactly the same look and feel in KDE and GNOME, for two reasons: (1) KDE vs. Gnome is a religous war, with true believers on each side who have different opinions on how users should interact with Linux. (2) The software tools that generate the desktops GTK, for Gnome, and Qt for KDE, are just too different.


          Re: evolution look & feel


          I understood what you told me.
          I dislike this "religous war" and I would like to be able to adapt every application depending on my windows manager; I hope linux guru will stop with this stupid religious war.
          I hope also some linux guru will provide an hack or a tips to adapt evoluion look and feel in kde as yoper's developers made; also because....if yoper's developers founded the way....I think a kubuntu guru should provide an hack like this or not?
          Do you know if is there a way to make a request to kubuntu developers? I think this hack should be appreciated from lot of people.



            Re: evolution look & feel

            You can make a support request at You will have to register at the site, first. Also, you may not get much sympathy. Remember that nearly all Ubuntu developers are Gnome users.

            Personally, I've gotten used to the slightly different look and feel of Firefox, Synaptic, and Streamtuner (the GTK apps that I use most frequently) just as I have gotten used to the strange X interface of Emacs. Most of the time I don't notice the differences and, when I do, it reminds me that even people who think differently from me have a few good ideas.


              Re: evolution look & feel

              Ok askrieger

              thanks a lot for your kind reply I have understood the concept


