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mailto: problem

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    mailto: problem

    I am running Firefox v1.5.0.7 and Thunderbird v1.5.0.5 under Dapper Drake. All is fine when I use them: I can browse with Firefox and I can send and receive mail under Thunderbird.

    But when I go to a website and encounter a "" link and click on it to send an email, nothing happens. I have to copy the mailto address and manually enter it into the Compose window of Thunderbird. But if it is an online form, then I'm up a creek.

    I have looked in the Preference of Firefox and Thunderbird but can find nothing to update.

    Help please! TIA.

    Re: mailto: problem


    basically, you can try to define Thunderbird as default for all applications (within KDE). In order to do so, open up System Settings - KDE Components, choose E-Mail Client - Other Mail Client, select this option and enter thunderbird as command to be executed.

    If this doesn't work (or is not what you want), you can alternatively (not: in addition) add a "link" of sorts from Firefox to Thunderbird. Thereto, hack about:config into Firefox' adress bar, right-click on the resulting list, select New - String and provide the following data:

    Preference Name:
    Preference Value: thunderbird



      Re: mailto: problem

      This is a common problem. One of the reasons I quit fooling with Thunderbird and just use Kontact/Kmail. Kind of assinine (actually assi10) that the developers don't sort it out. I have fixed it a few times myself. I googled firefox thunderbird mailto and came up with a number of links. This site seemed to be the most straight forward:

      with this post:

      Distribution/OS: Kubuntu Linux


      1. cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/<SomeString.default>

      2. If the file user.js does not exist, create it.

      3. Append the following lines to the file:

      //Firefox-Thunderbird mailto: Integration

      4. Close and restart Firefox, and test functionality.
      Purpose: Click on an http: link in Thunderbird to open that link in Firefox

      Distribution/OS: Kubuntu Linux


      1. cd ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/<SomeString.default>

      2. If the file user.js does not exist, create it.

      3. Append the following lines to the file:

      // Thunderbird-Firefox http: Integration
      user_pref("", "/usr/bin/mozilla-firefox");

      4. Close and restart Thunderbird, and test functionality.

      If that doesn't work for you, repeat my google and try some of the other fixes.

