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usb device after upgrade kde3.5.4

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    usb device after upgrade kde3.5.4

    I have an external usb hardrive that was used to xfer files .jpg, mp3 etc from an ntfs hard disk. After upgrading to kde 3.5.4 I get an warning that sez I dont have permission. Believe it to be a mounting problem. This what I see in mtab referring to sda1 the hardrive in question:
    /dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk ntfs rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,sync 0 0

    How can i modify this to get it to work again as in kde 3.5.3. When I say How? Please be specific I am new to this sort of thing.

    Re: usb device after upgrade kde3.5.4

    have you changed the formatting on it at all? it seems that the file system listed is NTFS, which generally is mounted read only.



      Re: usb device after upgrade kde3.5.4

      haven't changed a thing. Don't know how. But that read only is what I want. Normally I can copy from it, but that went a way after upgrading to kde 3.5.4. I cant even browse the disk.


        Re: usb device after upgrade kde3.5.4

        Does anyone have any ideas as to how to modify this so that I can browse and copy from the disk?


          Re: usb device after upgrade kde3.5.4

          The mtab mounting has changed, the only thing I did was install the morning updates. Here's what it sez now. I appears to be mounted but I can't get permission to open. The owner is listed as root.
          dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk-1 ntfs ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,sync 0 0


            Re: usb device after upgrade kde3.5.4

            Definitely a kde3.5.4 bug. The directory permissions are as follows when the disk is mounted:

            ls -ld /media/usbdisk-1
            dr-x------ 1 root root 16384 2006-09-23 12:45 /media/usbdisk-1

            I need the permissions to be 555 when this device is mounted. Currently only the root user can access the filesystem.

            Is there a file that controls how usb devices are mounted where this can be changed? Thank you.

