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File System and Login Questions

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    File System and Login Questions

    I just installed Kubuntu today,and have a few questions.
    1.How to auto-login..... so I don't have to enter username and password
    2.What is the file manager? e.g.In Ubbuntu it's gksudo nautilus
    3. Do I have to get mp3 support ? I fired up amarok and loaded my library,
    but when I try to play it, all the songs seem to just scan from one to the next ! Thanks !

    Re: File System and Login Questions


    I woulnd't advise anyone to really use Auto-Login. Thats, I guess some SuSE (or other Distro's) habit-leftover??

    What you need to do, is to change the setting in your KDM. Auto-Login does only work in K-Display Manager.

    Haven't done this in Kubunutu, running Windoze (sorry!!!) right now I'm not able to determine were to find it, but just search for something like "login manager" in the Controll Center. You may find it, if not straight called like this, in the User Managment Settings.

    Your file-manager is konqueror. It serves also as a Webbrowser but is your Kubunut's default file manager.

    Is your Soundsystem set up properly Either run Kmix to find out if all Channels a "open" or (if you know what you are looking for) run "lsmod" to find out wether your soundmodul is loaded or not. You said you loaded your library. How? Often enough you'll have trouble to play files because you do not have the right permissons on a file to do so. Check this first. If you were unable to play MP3 files, aMarok would have told you.

