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Adept Update Problem

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    Adept Update Problem

    Hi Everyone,

    I recently re-installed Kubuntu after some time, and enjoyed configuring it this evening and installing the software I prefer to use. Here's my problem: as I was nearing the end of a very long (roughly two hours) Automatix install, the computer suddenly turned off for no reason. When I rebooted, the Automatix install was lost (nothing continued with the reboot). Moreover, I noticed the Adept Updater in the systray telling me I had 142 updates, but when I tried to open Adept in different ways (both from the update icon and from the KMenu), I kept getting an error window telling me that some other process is using the package manager and that I need to stop it before I can use Adept. I assume this is referring to something with the Automatix. However, nothing shows up on my screen noting anything, how do I stop this application? I'm worried I've completely bust Adept and won't be able to install software anymore.
    I appreciate any assistance you can offer. I'm running Kubuntu 6.06 on a wireless network on an old-ish Dell Inspiron 2500.

    Re: Adept Update Problem

    I think the commands are
    sudo killall adept
    sudo killall apt-get
    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    i hope that works out for you...


      Re: Adept Update Problem

      Thanks someguyyouknow, it worked perfectly after I ran the commands.


        Re: Adept Update Problem


        -Don't mean to step on your thread if you guys aren't finished...

        A couple days ago reformatted ex3 part & installed 6.06 (where Ubuntu 5.10 + KDE had been for several months before).

        1st install went great, Adept pulled in the Mozilla suite for me, blah blah. Today the OS failed. Reinstalled, now Adept won't let me install Firefox OR Thunderbird, and has never heard of a Character map (a bit vital to my work).

        Oh yeah, I still haven't figured out how to so much as log into root. -Not to mention GRUB's failure to see my Win partition...

        What gives, and how do I tame this beast? -Or do I go back to 5.10?



          Re: Adept Update Problem

          The first problems sounds like a repository problem...
          you might want to try enabling all the repos or making a new one...

          not sure about the Grub problem but i hear people talking about some Super grub disk or something... you may be able to manually edit grub to see it bue i wouldnt know how to do it...

          oh and about root... you use "sudo" to run as root... you can choose to run in recovery mode to run as root or you can make a root account but i think sudo is safer...

