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users running applications require kdesu

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    users running applications require kdesu

    Hello Kubuntu people, Hopefully someone can answer a question I have. Please forgive the noobish question if it is one but I am still in the learning process. I have Kubuntu DD 6 with two users on the system. User 1 has no problems running any applications by simply clicking on the icons the programs run. But when user 2 does the same in her login some applications will simply not load. The applications known to not load right now are Gimp and Gaim. However if I edit the menu (application launcher) and type kdesu before the executing command it works without any problems. My conclusion is leaning towards a permission issue so Is it simply to chmod the application directory? or just the executable file? Any help is needed and appreciated, if I'm on the wrong path please point me in the right direction.
    Another probably important piece of info is that both users are part of the same secondary groups.


    Re: users running applications require kdesu

    Yes I believe it is a permissions issue, I belive you just need to add your secondary user to the wheel that is at /etc/group. so sudo kate(or whatever you like) /etc/group have a look between your user levels and the secondary user permission and adjust from there.



    this has heaps of help for ubuntu

    Any issue let us know.


    "The problem with reality is that it leaves a lot to the Imagination" - John Lenon.


      Re: users running applications require kdesu

      Or easier still if you like graphical kmenu -> sytem -> kuser and edit your user there remeber to click on the premission tab to view users current permission
      "The problem with reality is that it leaves a lot to the Imagination" - John Lenon.


        Re: users running applications require kdesu

        Thanks for the posts guys and for the links. Now that I know I am going in the right direction I'm good.
        I'll post back with my solution after its done just for reference.

