Hey All I’m looking to move from Suse over to Kubuntu. I know just Yast and apt-get both use repositories to get all the extra “goodies” that do not come with the OS. Mp3 support, w32codecs etc. Is there an easy list of repositories that I can access and had to my list to get all of these things?? Or do the repositories with these things come in the list already??
Also since Kubuntu is KDE based… will I have to add separate repositories to get gnome based apps like Banshee and F-spot and all that stuff
Also is it difficult to get XGL running on Kubuntu?? It was a bit of a pain on suse!! ESP with ATI hardware!!
Also since Kubuntu is KDE based… will I have to add separate repositories to get gnome based apps like Banshee and F-spot and all that stuff
Also is it difficult to get XGL running on Kubuntu?? It was a bit of a pain on suse!! ESP with ATI hardware!!