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How to install codecs/repositories/packages with no internet connection?

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    How to install codecs/repositories/packages with no internet connection?

    After trying the live CD I finally installed Kubuntu on an old Dell Dimension, which unfortunately is not hooked up to internet connection.

    I want to be able to play DVD, mp3 and other media formats. However, I cannot find any good help of "how to" around the web. Here are my questions:

    (1) Where can I find the libraries or packages for playing common formats such as mp3, wma, and commercial dvds in Amarok?

    (2) After I found them, how exactly can I install them? (I am new to linux, so I am afriad that I may need a step by step gentle guide.)

    I don't have any internet connection with that machine, I downloaded a package from the ftp site from Amarok1.4.3 using another PC and transfered it to the Kubuntu machine, but there is no help on how I can add it to Adept (I *think* I saw something about Kpackage on my websearch, but I don't see Kpackage on my machine). I also downloaded the .deb file of Amarok 1.4.3, but when I tried to install it with dpkg, it says it doesn't have all the libraries.

    Thanks in advance.


    Re: How to install codecs/repositories/packages with no internet connection?

    You need codecs (as in the Windows).

    One possible source for codecs is PLF (Penguin Liberation Front):

    libdvdcss2 and w32codecs for Ubuntu
    You need codecs (decoders) and software to read the contents of DVDs to be able to see multimedia files of different formats, as well as DVDs. These software are provided free for use in Ubuntu - however due to restrictions on distributing these modules in countries like the USA, they are not always easy to find. This post will tell you how to find them to install them on your Ubuntu computer.
    You don't need to edit sources.list. Just follow the link: -> pool -> dapper -> non-free -> w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb download it (

    Now you have w32 codecs (13,6 M).

    About installing (good ones):

    Installing Software in Ubuntu

    How to install ANYTHING in Ubuntu!

    Installing without internet connection.

    1. Download packages. Same method as in the PLF works with the official ubuntu repositories.

    2. It is possible to download stuff from repositories and make local repository:
    After you have all the packages - make local repository and tell adept/synaptic/whatever where to look.

    Now the difficult part.
    it says it doesn't have all the libraries.
    - yup that's hard one.

    Ubuntu packages

    tells that:
    Other Packages Related to amarok
    depends: amarok-xine or amarok-engine, kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.2), libart-2.0-2 (>= 2.3.16) [powerpc] ...

    Some of these you already have.

    You could use dpkg (as you tried) and check what packages are missing. Write them down - get them. Try again. Write them down - get them...

    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: How to install codecs/repositories/packages with no internet connection?

      Thanks for the help -

      I successfully get mp3 wma and commercial dvds to play in Dapper by installing libxine-extracodecs, libdvdcss2, w32codecs, and libmad0, which is needed by libxine-extracodecs.


