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Installing Maple 10 software from cdrom

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    Installing Maple 10 software from cdrom

    I am trying to install a math program called Maple 10 to my box, however I can't get anything to work. The cd even comes with linux install instructions . I feel rather upset, that even with install directions for a program that is meant to be run on linux i can't get it to work.

    Contents of the maple 10 cd:

    Linux - folder
    Install.html - the install instructions
    installMapleLinuxSU - what the instructions told me to run...

    Contents of Install.html (that relate to 64 bit linux..):

    64-bit Linux Single User Installation
    During the installation, you will need your purchase code (sent to you in an email).
    To install Maple 10 on your Linux operating system, read and complete the following tasks.

    Pre-installation Instructions

    Check the 64-bit Linux Single User System Requirements.
    Ensure you have appropriate read and write privileges.
    Log on to the account that will own the Maple files. This is usually the root account.

    Install Maple
    Ensure that you have reviewed the Pre-installation Instructions.
    Run installMapleLinuxSU, located in the singleuser directory of the 64-bit Linux Maple 10 CD. To run the installer in console mode, use the -i console option.
    Follow the on-screen instructions.
    When prompted to select an install directory, select a directory with write access. If you are creating a new directory, ensure that you have write access to the parent directory. By default, Maple 10 will install to $HOME/maple10, where $HOME is your home directory. For example, /home/jsmith/maple10.
    When prompted, enter the purchase code and fill in the required information to complete activation.

    If you activated successfully, you are ready to use Maple 10. If you had problems activating or chose not to activate during the installation, see Activating Windows, Macintosh, and Linux Single User Versions.
    Return to the Top of the Document.

    ::hangs head in shame...:

    Re: Installing Maple 10 software from cdrom

    Can you tell us exactly what problems you have had at each stage? If you have gotten any error messages. please give us their EXACT WORDING.


      Re: Installing Maple 10 software from cdrom

      Step by step of what I have/can get done with the Maple..
      mount the disc,
      explore the disc,
      read the install.html,
      and thats it.

      I can't get the install script (installMapleLinuxSU) to run or do anything. Double-clicking the file brings it up in kate, opening with konsole just opens a window, cd-ing into the cdrom directory and typing the in the file name there gets me this:
      spacepirates@ubuntu:/media/cdrom1$ '/media/cdrom1/installMapleLinuxSU'
      bash: /media/cdrom1/installMapleLinuxSU: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
      spacepirates@ubuntu:/media/cdrom1$ sudo '/media/cdrom1/installMapleLinuxSU'
      sudo: unable to execute /media/cdrom1/installMapleLinuxSU: Permission denied
      even as root nothing happens...

      I don't know how to run installMapleLinuxSU. it doesn't have an extension, and no commands i know seem to work.

      let me know if i forgot to include some vital piece of information.



        Re: Installing Maple 10 software from cdrom

        Okay, now I think I understand your problem your problem. Either, your /media/cdrom1 directory or the installation script file itself has a permission problem. As in
        Ensure you have appropriate read and write privileges
        But, you don't (can't, if it's not a cdrw) have WRITE privileges to a CDROM, so you have to move the installer (and possibly everything else in that directory) to a temporary directory. Or, perhaps, you were supposed to set up the installation directory.

        The level of detail required in the remainder of my instructions to you is very much a function of your sophistication as a Linux user. The critical questions are: (a) Can you verify that the installer is a shell script and not Perl or Python? Hint: look at the first line, it should say "#! /bin/bash", or something similar. (b)Can you read the language of the shell script well enough to figure out what it is trying to do and what it assumes, you have done to prepare the way? Hint: look for variable declarations like INSTALL_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/bin/. (c) Can you do what the script assumes you would have done, if the guy who wrote the html file had done his job properly? Query: do you know how to make a directory and change its ownership and/or its permissions?


          Re: Installing Maple 10 software from cdrom

          ok, i tried copying the entire dir and running the script from there (after changed permissions). it errored with
          spacepirates@ubuntu:~$ '/home/spacepirates/Desktop/Maple/installMapleLinuxSU'
          /home/spacepirates/Desktop/Maple/installMapleLinuxSU: line 31: cd: X86_64/Disk1/InstData/VM: No such file or directory
          sh: ./LinuxX86_64Installer.bin: No such file or directory
          as for the rest..
          (a) #!/bin/sh is the first line of the script
          (b) as for what it is doing... i can only guess using my meager knowledge of C++. I think it is trying to check to see what processor i have, and what to install. then it installs everything. It hangs on the processor check because it references the dir that doesn't exit in the error ( INSTALLER_DIR="X86_64/Disk1/InstData/VM").
          (c) i'm fairly confident in my abilities to create directories and change permissions (mkdir and chmod, in console, i think). as for trying the script on my own... i hesitate changing anything manually that comes close to the processor.

          the install script:
          # Copyright (c) 1996-2004 by Waterloo Maple Inc.
          # All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibited.
          # Permission is granted to modify this file to be appropriate
          # for use at the installation for which Maple was purchased.
          # Determine which Linux installer to use
          PROCESSOR=`uname -m`
          case $PROCESSOR in
            CMD="sh ./LinuxItaniumInstaller.bin"
            CMD="sh ./LinuxX86_64Installer.bin"
            CMD="sh ./LinuxInstaller.bin" 
          SCRIPT_PATH=`dirname $0`
          if [ -z $SCRIPT_PATH ] ; then
          cd $SCRIPT_PATH
          cd $INSTALLER_DIR
          # pass on arguments
          for I in "$@"
            CMD="${CMD} \"${I}\""
          # execute installer
          if ( echo $CMD | grep -i console >/dev/null ) || ( echo $CMD | grep -i silent > /dev/null ) ; then
          if [ "${CHECK_DISPLAY}" = "yes" ]; then
            if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] ; then
             echo "Warning! DISPLAY variable not set. Attempting to run installer in CONSOLE mode."
             CMD="${CMD} -i console"
          eval $CMD
          if [ -f $HOME/.com.zerog.registry.xml ]; then
          	chmod 644 $HOME/.com.zerog.registry.xml 1>/dev/null 2>&1
          if [ -f /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml ]; then
          	chmod 644 /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml 1>/dev/null 2>&1
          exit 0

          let me know whta you think i should do. thanks again!


            Re: Installing Maple 10 software from cdrom

            As I suspected, the installer script is a bash script. It is written in the BASH command language (not in C++, which is VERY different, even though both have a switch statement. You are correct as to what the script is trying to do at that point and almost correct as to why it fails. I'm sorry to say that I have led you astray.

            If you have copied the script correctly, it tries to change the working directory to the location of the script called $SCRIPT_PATH and then, if it doesn't fail there, it tries to change the working directory to the location of the installation software which is called $INSTALLER_DIR, in this case, $SCRIPT_PATH/X86_64/Disk1/InstData/VM. So SCRIPT_PATH must be the parent directory of INSTALLER_DIR. The easiest way to make this happen is to run the script from the directory on the CDROM which is the parent of /X86_64/. The dot at the front of the sh command, called CMD, stands for "start here".

            So, unless you have copied the entire CDROM to your desktop, you must "cd" to the directory /media/cdrom1/INSTALLMapleLinuxSU, or wherever. You must then run the command as root, i.e. by prefacing the command with "sudo". In other words, you may have been right the first time. The problem is that the people who wrote the installer may be wrong in that they have assumed that all Linux distros use root logins. If that is the case, you will have to set up your system to use a root login, and you will have to run Maple as root. This is an insecure procedure.

            Before changing your system to use root logins, read this Ubuntu Community Help page about RootSudo.

