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New to Kubuntu

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    New to Kubuntu

    I installed Kubuntu (dapper) for the first time and was greatly impressed with several items: wireless connectivity flawless, usb mouse connection immediate, easy to install & update repositories. I added Opera outside of Adept because I couldn't find it there. I loaded JPilot and synced my Palm m-515 with ease. My only frustration is all the music I have backed up is mp3 format and Amarok, etc. won't play mp3, I discovered. I hunted all over the forums and found several hints about how to change mp3 music to ogg but I have not been able to do it. It would really be great if there was a simple way to change mp3 to ogg. I ripped new cd's using ogg and they play beautifully on Amarok. But I wish I could salvage the older music I have stored.

    Re: New to Kubuntu

    In order to play MP3's, and other multimedia formats, you need to install the necessary codecs for it. In the case of MP3's, you need to install the package libxine-extracodecs.

    But first, you need to enable enable your Multiverse repositories:

    Then you can look for the package in Adept.

    For more information about "restricted formats", you might want to browse through this page:
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: New to Kubuntu

      Jucato: Great scoop, thanks! I had already enabled the universe and multiverse repositories and had tried to install libxine-extracodecs on Adept Manager but it just wouldn't come up. I follwed your hint to, and there I found good stuff to install. Finally I went to play some mp3 music and as soon as I clicked on a song a box came up asking if I wanted to install libxine-extracodecs! I clicked yes, it installed, and I'm playing mp3 music as I write you. Previously I had tried audacity to change mp3 music to ogg vorbis but the disadvantage of that app is that it works one file at a time. So right now I'm a happy camper Everything is working great: JPilot, wireless connectivity, kaffeine for dvds, music, open office, opera, firefox, gwenview, etc. I even installed pinball and it works great. One thing I'd like to install (which I use on Linspire) is Komics. Any idea about that?


        Re: New to Kubuntu

        Are you referring to this:

        I'm afraid you have to compile that one, since there is no .deb package available for it, and it's not in the repositories.

        It's not so difficult to compile. You can read through this to give you an idea: Ubuntu Classroom - Basic Compiling

        Packages you would need are build-essential and checkinstall.

        If you could find a .deb package for Komics (from a trustworthy source), then that would be better.

        Good luck!
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: New to Kubuntu

          Jucato: That's the program. I found it and installed it on my Linspire box from the CNR warehouse, so someone must have compiled it in Debian since all their apps are deb and Linspire doesn't usually compile the apps which they make available on CNR. I wonder how I could get ahold of this package without having to compile it myself. (I always have a fear of breaking the OS  )

