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KWallet has vanished!

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    KWallet has vanished!

    Hey there,

    I recently got Dapper up and running and due to some inexperience on my part, did not have a very usefull repository list. Long story short, i ran an apt-get dist-upgrade on my system and everything is fine save for the fact i can no longer access Kwallet,nor can i find it in the K menu. A simple search reveals that Kwallet (or a great many files related to it) are still on my system, and i've even uninstalled Kwalletmanager and it's related packages to no avail. opening up something like Kopete still prompts me to enter my Kwallet password, but there is no tray icon and running kwalletmanager from terminal seems to do nothing.

    Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. I appologize if there's additional info that is needed that i've left out, but i don't know how better to describe my situation.


    Re: KWallet has vanished!

    i dont have musch experience with kwallet, but when ihad a simmilar problem with WINE, i purged it and reinstalled it. maybe thats what you should do... but i dont know. i'm no expert. just tryin to help ya out. 8)


      Re: KWallet has vanished!

      Is purge different than uninstall? I've tried both now, and neither seems to work.


        Re: KWallet has vanished!

        I'm not sure about this, but perhaps KWallet was configured to be hidden (not visible in the system tray) by default in KDE 3.5.4. It's probably still running (you can check in System Settings > Service Manager and check if the KWallet Daemon is running).

        To make KWallet show in system tray again, press Alt+F2 and run "kwalletmanager". In the settings, configure KWallet to enable system tray, or something like that (forgot the exact words). You have to restart KWallet for this to take effect. (File > Quit, then run kwalletmanager again).
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: KWallet has vanished!

          Hi, thanks for the reply!

          Checking System Services in System Settings, i was unable to find anything relating to kwallet, despite the fact that Add/Remove Programs shows KDE Wallet is installed.

          Running kwalletmanager doesn't seem to do anything. the command is accepted, but the manager never pops up for me.


            Re: KWallet has vanished!

            Ok, an alternative way to reach kwalletmanager is in System Settings > Security and Privacy. In the Wallet Preferences tab, you can see an option to show manager in the system tray. Enable that and click on Appl, then click on Launch Wallet Manager. But in order for the system tray change to take effect you have to Quit Wallet Manager when it shows up (Ctrl+Q, not just the close button) and start it again.

            I hope this works.
            Jucato's Data Core


              Re: KWallet has vanished!

              no dice . i'm beginning to think i must either forget about it or reinstall kubuntu to get everything working right.


                Re: KWallet has vanished!

                I have the exact same phenomenon and I would be disappointed to come to that drastic 'reinstall' solution.

                One thing I did notice though is that 'kdesu kwalletmanager' does make a wallet applet appear. Unfortunately this looks like to manage root's wallet, not exactly what I want.

                Can this be a hint?


                  Re: KWallet has vanished!

                  look at this:


                    Re: KWallet has vanished!

                    i'm afraid i can't be of much help. i botched an XGL install and was forced to re-install anyway. lame.


                      Re: KWallet has vanished!

                      I installed KDE 3.5.5. Now the wallet icon appears..
                      Looks like the bug has been corrected.

